
Part 21


I finally arrived...

I opened the door and saw that the interior of the house had returned to its previous decoration (the decoration before Hiroshi's arrival).

Oh Master Hiroshi, I have arrived....


There was no news... I called Saddam again

The great master Hiroshi...

This time it finally came...

Hiroshi: Did you come to see if you brought a bow with you?

Me: Yes, and I took out the bow from behind and showed it

Hiroshi: Give me the bow

I gave the bow to Hiroshi and Hiroshi examined the bow from all angles and did some other things.

Hiroshi: Doesn't your bow work?

Me: What for what!?

Hiroshi: Well, first of all, the weight of your bow should be suitable for you, secondly, the width and length of the bow should match the width and length of your hand, thirdly, this bow cannot withstand much force, so it is not useful for long distances and it does not have much swing. So it doesn't matterDamn, I paid him four gold coins now....

Hiroshi: You don't want to get upset now, it's fine for you, you don't know anything, now we'll start, and of course, from now on, you'll call me Grandmaster Mito, right, Hiroshi, do you understand?

Me: Yes, Grand Master Maito! can we start now

Hiroshi made a break again and made the area of ​​the house look like a big meadow and summoned some arrows in his hand and held it.

Hiroshi: Well, when you were able to draw the bow, I will give you these arrows, now try to draw the bow.

I did this and pulled the string of the bow easily

Hiroshi: How did you draw the string of the bow? I couldn't do it the first time. How?

Me: Well...

In fact, in my previous life, my grandfather was a hunter who, in addition to having a gun, also had a bow, and I loved bows since I was a child, that's why I used to pick up my grandfather's bow and draw the string behind me. .....

I shook my head no...

Me: Well, I actually practiced a few times before coming, so now I have to, well that's it....

Hiroshi was looking at me suspiciously and I didn't think he would believe me, but well...

Hiroshi: let's go now come...

He gave me one of the arrows and told me to try it

I tilted the bow and wanted to shoot the arrow that...

what are you doing stupid fever

I turned around and saw that Hiroshi hit me on the head with a fan

Me: What are you doing?

Hiroshi: What kind of idiot would you do to draw a bow like this!?

Me: How?

Hiroshi: Ignorant fool, did you hold the bow crookedly and pull the string, do you want to shoot the arrow?


Actually, I did this to be cool, because many stories and movies used to do this and tilt the bow when pulling and throwing the arrow...

Actually, I did this to be cool, because many stories and movies used to do this and tilt the bow when pulling and throwing the arrow...

Hiroshi: You idiot, you shouldn't tilt your bow when you're standing, when there's no war, when there's no war, you should kill like a man, don't let it go, do what I say...

He came and took my hand, straightened the bow, put the two middle fingers of my left hand and the index finger below the bow and arrow in my hand and told me to try again...

I pulled the string of the bow so that a long arrow was thrown...

The arrow came out


Hahaha Hiroshi's laugh

Hiroshi: I knew it could be like that, I just wanted to see your reaction when the card broke.

Me: #:@(@¶$°}${

Hiroshi: Well, let me tell you now...

And with Hiroshi's guidance, this time...

But the arrow was thrown a few meters ahead. I tried a few more times and finally it was thrown correctly.

Why doesn't it end?

Hiroshi had told me to make a handmade bow with walnut wood. The first problem was the lack of walnut wood in the third wall. This time the church came to my aid and sent it. Second, I didn't know how to make the bow. I tried every time. became

I decided to go to Hiroshi and tell him the problem...

Hiroshi: What happened, you came back?

Me: Master Maito, in fact, I didn't do anything that could be done, what should I do now:

Hiroshi: Fool, I told you to do this calmly and gracefully, while you are angry, you should have a good thought, in fact, humor in order to succeed and reduce your anger...

End of part 21

A word from the author: Due to busy work, I could not pay much attention to these recent parts, and I apologize if the quality of the work has decreased. The time frame will be updated in 2-3 days. If the support increases and your positive energy, I will hope for the continuation of the story to finish the work. Thanks to the author of the story, Daniel.