Part 22 End of training

.....two years later .....

hey hey hey

ah ah ah ah ah

I looked from behind the tree to see if there was a pilgrim or not.....

It wasn't and it was a good opportunity to go pick up the flag and finish this damn game...

In fact, this was my new training that I was never successful in. I was able to do the rest of the training, but not this one.

In fact, this training was such that Ziyar placed a flag somewhere and I had to remove it...

At first, I thought it was easy, but it was not easy at all, it was even harder than elementary education...

In fact, in this training, the skills of hiding and increasing speed and increasing senses were.

that both me and Ziyar were careful about each other, he was careful that I didn't take the flag and I was careful that he wouldn't find me...

The increase in speed was that I had to pick up the flag faster than Ziyar, but I never succeeded...

The skill of hiding was that I had to hide myself well from Ziyar's view, but I did not succeed in these tasks....

And the increase in awareness was that I had to pick up the flag at the right time without Zyar realizing that I had not succeeded.

leaf sound

... We heard a sound, I quickly turned back and when I looked behind, I saw that the leaves of the tree were shaking, so I quickly summoned the magic of the spiral of death in my hand and was ready to strike at any moment and then run away.

The sound of the leaves was getting closer with the sound of feet until...

Ziyar attacked me from behind the bushes...

I quickly put the spiral of death in defensive mode, and when Ziyar hit me, he made him distance himself a little and get confused.

what ! how are you

Ziyar: This time was better than the previous times, but you fell into the trap again, what are you doing now... with a smile

I had no idea what to do, that's why...

I surrender ! (What did you think I have a plan, I'm more stupid than that)

Me: I surrender and raised my hands as a sign of surrender

In response to my words, Ziyar put his hand on my head and said...

Ziyar: You give up very quickly, in fact, at the beginning of the training, it's better to say that until 6 months ago, you didn't give up so quickly, but now you give up very quickly, and that's bad because if you give up on the battlefield, the enemy will beat you!

Me: Why did I surrender? Why does the enemy hit my neck?!

Ziyar: You know what my advice is to you, the worst condition of a person is his appearance. All people judge based on their appearance. The enemy will spare you to disarm you and take away the opportunity to attack, but when you surrender, doubt Don't do it, the enemy will cut your neck like a sheep and how many people lost their heads for safety and gave up their goal like your ancestors...

He was really right...

Ziyar: Regardless of all these discussions, come to me when it's evening, I have a card!

Me: What do you have to do with me, teacher?

Ziyar: I will tell you when it is evening, now go to freedom!

Me: Professor, you can't tell me now because I'm very curious and I have a question, what are you doing with me?

With his silence, Ziyar made me understand that I should shut my mouth and not talk more than that, stay away from his sight up to a radius of 5 kilometers and go back in the evening.

That's why I quickly moved away from the place before the accident and went to Hiroshi


Grand Master Maito, I have come

And the environment was lit again like Japanese houses with a mat under the feet and some candles to light up the house...

Hiroshi: By the way, you came to sit when I have something important to say


Hiroshi: As you know, I have been teaching you for two years!

Me: Yes, the great master is right!

Hiroshi: Well, it's time to say that your training is coming to an end, but there is one condition


Hiroshi: You must pass the test I will take from you!


Hiroshi: The test is simple and there is only one more step, and you have to pass that test, and in the end, the relationship between you and me will be cut off forever.


Hiroshi: Well, you can go practice now, and your test will start tomorrow evening after that

.....evening in the church.....

The exam that Hiroshi was supposed to take from me had kept my mind occupied with what he was going to take the test because Hiroshi had taught me the skills of spear shooting and karate in these two years and the class to learn to identify poison and treat wounds....

God, what should I do? When I came to myself, I saw that I was in front of the church door

knock Knock

I knocked on the door and Maryam's sister opened the door...

Sister Maryam: Well, when did you come, Tom Master Zyar told you to go to him...

I went to the room of Master Pilgrim, which was on the south side of the church...

knock Knock

who is it ?

I am the pilgrim teacher, can I come in?

come in

with permission

I saw Ziyar sitting at the study table and reading a book...

Me: Did you have anything to do with me, Master Ziyar?

Ziyar closed the book and said...

As you know, the elite academy entrance exam is near and the exam will start in just four days, but before that you have to take an exam!

Me: Test?

Professor Ziyar: Yes, because the church, no, I want to know if you have the ability to be accepted into the elite class, because the church's purpose for supporting you and teaching me was not only to pass the elite academy exam, but also to pass the grade A and six-star class. That's why tomorrow at noon I will take a test that you have to pass in order to be able to participate in the entrance test of the Imperial Elite Academy. Do you understand now?

Me: Yes, teacher

Professor Ziyar: Now you can go, I will wait for you tomorrow at the training ground

Me: Eyes and I came out

.... in Tom's room .....

Huff "...." Oh God, what a misfortune I am in. Think about it. Tomorrow, I have to take two tests, two tests that will determine my fate, and if I don't pass....

I think it scares me that I could not enter the academy and what death awaits me by a hero or a soldier in the Imperial Knights.

There is no point in thinking, I have to sleep so that I can be fresh for the exam...

But will I fall asleep...


The sound of a rooster crowing

Oh God, I woke up, it was already noon, I had to go quickly, this damn rooster who sings so many times a day was confusing, I quickly ran and went to the training area...

I saw that Master Ziyar was with Sister Patulina and they were waiting for me...

Ziyar: Why did you come? If you didn't come in 10 minutes, the exam would be canceled and you would fail without taking the exam.

Me: I'm sorry, Professor Ziyar

Ziyar: Now, regardless of all this, you will not be punished now because there is an exam in three days and your body must be ready, not only your body but also your soul.


Ziyar: What did you think? Did you think that the test was going to be a speed test that you failed several times? It's not an illusion of death. You tried it several times and failed. Now you have to succeed. You can kill this illusion in less than ten minutes.

Me: The teacher's eyes for sure

Ziyar: And you should be aware that this test is definitely part of the entrance exam of the academy and has the highest score. You also know that most of the nobles are accepted in this test. Now you have to break the taboo and that in the test you have to be able to break the illusion in less than three minutes. You can pass this test

Me: Master's eye

And we went to start the test

I sat on the chair and prepared for the illusion

Sister Petulina: I hope you succeed in this test, Tom

Me: I will definitely succeed, I'm sure...

I could not finish my speech because I entered the illusion of death

Now why do they call it the illusion of death because...

In this illusion you take indescribable pleasure in a perfect life in unfulfilled dreams that were used by black magicians and sometimes by the church to interrogate the accused.

The only way to break this illusion is to find a person or an object that is the source and origin of this illusion... because the illusion itself is from mana and mana attacks the weakest part of the brain somewhere and affects the rest of the brain and puts it into a state of trance or sleep. Or temporary anesthesia until he dies, which does not last more than 1 day. Death is pleasurable, so when he destroys that person or thing, the self-aware system of the brain becomes aware and breaks that illusion.

I was looking for the origin

I saw myself in the church yard where the old man was working and the pilgrim master was meditating until...

my dear tom

I saw Patolina's sister rushed towards me and hugged and kissed me!

I was surprised, does this mean that this was my unfulfilled wish?

I was enjoying the kiss from sister Patulina when I noticed Ziyar

I pushed Patulina's sister and looked closely at Ziyar...heh

Sister Patulina: What happened my love, why don't you look at me?

Me with a smile: I'll tell you now

I used the death spiral magic and attacked Patulina

The illusion of death was destroyed because I myself thought it was a pilgrim, but it was Patulina

I slowly opened my eyes

I saw worried sister Patulina sitting in front of me and looking at me

Sister Petulina: Tom, you managed to come out of the illusion in less than five minutes and hugged me

Ziyar was also looking at me with a smile that showed his satisfaction

But these were not important because the important thing was the entrance exam

..... Exam Hiroshi Maito ....

Hiroshi: Well, as I promised you, I will test you today and now, don't worry, the test is easy...

The test is that you have to shoot ten arrows at the target while closing your eyes

Me: Am I a joke to you? Of course in my mind

Hiroshi: Don't worry, it's not too hard, remember what I told you, when times are hard, think of something funny and do it.

Now he hit a breaker and my vision was completely blinded and I could not see anything.....

I felt the bow in my hand and the arrows on my back

I was very stressed, but I did as Ziyar said and I thought of a funny memory in my previous life and as a result....

I removed the blindfold and managed to look at Hiroshi who was looking at me with complete satisfaction

I couldn't believe it myself, is it a movie or a story...

Hiroshi: Well, you succeeded, you see, I said it's not difficult, but the final word

Me: Master

Hiroshi: Hey, shut up, I don't want to talk more than this, just the final word, you passed my test and this shows that you were my successor's student and you can claim to be a professor. The first thing is that you should continue my path as I continued the path of my teacher by teaching others and the second point is this...

This award is for all your efforts...

what Hiroshi's legendary bow, a bow that looked like a stick of less than ten centimeters, but when you gave it a shake, it turned into a bow, a rare bow whose wood was made of a yew tree and its string was made of silk, a bow that was said to be the bow of the gods, now for for I ....

Hiroshi: Take it right, this is a training, you understand

I took the bow in complete doubt and held it in my hand

I was looking at it when...

Hiroshi: The last thing, I plan to return to the spirit world, so I will give you my memories and a part of my power, so that a part of me will always be with you, Tom, my child.

He put his hand on my head and after that I felt strange

The environment gradually darkened and Hiroshi disappeared

No matter how much I called Hiroshi, it was useless and he was completely gone

There were only two days left until the most important day of my life in this world, which is the entrance exam of the Imperial Elite Academy

.... the end of the part22