Part 23 entrance exam to the academy

Part 23 entrance exam to the academy


I will go

Father: I hope you succeed in bringing glory to Tom and the church

The old man hugged me...

I hope you will be successful and you will be proud of your father who will be proud of you, be sure

Sister Petulina: I hope you will be successful and see the results of all the hardships and training you have seen

After cheering and wishing for success, I finally went to the academy exam place


The test site was in the northern part of the city and was a special place for the entrance exams of the academy and the training place for the knights of the church.

A lot of boys and girls had come, I think there were 2000 people, some of them were very stressed, some of them had come with their friends and were busy talking, and some of them had come completely excited.

I was entertaining myself by looking around when...

He looked at Lucas and saw this Lucas again, and luckily he saw me and came towards me with his servant as always.

Lucas had changed from two years ago until now, his completely black hair is a light wheat color and of course full of pimples and freckles.

He was very professional, even though he beat me very badly once again....

Lucas: Guys, look who's here, Mr. Tom Breech

Leonard: Yes, the boss seems to have come to serve you again

Lucas: Livanard is right

Leeward: Yes, he is absolutely right, I see, Tom, do you want to taste the master's boots one more time?

That made them all laugh

I stood with my hands on my chest and said...

It's like some people want to be beaten like a dog again

Their laughter stopped with my words and Lucas got angry and shouted

Lucas: What did you say, you bastard?

With his loud cry, everyone's attention was drawn to us

Me: I said some people were beaten

Lucas: I think you've had too much trouble?

Me: Yes, because the bastard servant who beats his master is the king

damn bastard

Lucas tried to punch me that...

I grabbed his hand and twisted it and grabbed his hair and hung his head

the master !

the master!

Me: I didn't hear what you said?

Lucas: Shut up, you bastard!

Me: What, this is not what I want to hear and I was planning to make it right there...

You two idiots stop fighting or you will be banned from the exam!

The person in charge of the exams had come!

I let Lucas go and listened to the command, Lucas did the same!

The person in charge of the exam, who was a knight of the church with a history, had a scar on his face, which shows that he was in the previous war, because he looked like he was 60 years old....

Examiner: Well, you idiots are exactly as I expected, two-legged animals who are ready to fight and fight with each other at any moment. Lucas looked at me.

Your exam has three stages, the first two stages of the exam will be experimental and practical, but the third exam will be oral and descriptive.

All examiners: Yes

In fact, the three-stage exam was like this, the first stage was resistance to magic, the second stage was the illusion of death, and the third stage was to answer the questions on the paper, which had seven questions.

Exam official: And now your first exam starts, and with that signal, the courtyard doors were closed and the competition actually started.

Little by little, I felt the magic coming from underground.

In fact, the test was like this, that some people manipulated the earth's gravity and caused the earth to pull a person towards itself with great speed and power, so that you had to resist and not fall on the ground. It was minutes

Gradually, the intensity of the earth's suction increased, and most of the testers fell to the ground

ah ah


Out of those 2000 people, less than 400 people had come, approximately because the intensity of magic had increased so much that only 200 people were left out of those 400 people.

The time that I had taken showed that it had passed 10 minutes, but they did not finish, to my surprise!

The examiner was enjoying and laughing at the children's falling until he saw me!

He saw that the magic had no effect on me and told the person next to him to increase the intensity of the magic

The intensity of the magic increased so much that only Lucas and I were left standing, and Lucas finally fell. The examiner looked at me again, and I smiled at him.

Haha, the fools think that the test is easy, everyone was going to fail, when my eyes were fixed on that animal boy whose name was registered as Tom Tom Breach!

It was as if the intensity of the magic had no effect and he was standing carelessly.

Increase the intensity of magic!

Yes sir!

Everyone had failed except Lucas and Tom. Lucas fell, but Tom still had no effect on the strength of the magic method. He smiled at me!

you bastard boy are you smiling at me now...

At the point of the exam supervisor, I came to my senses and told them to cut off the magic field

OK ....

Finally, they cut off the magic field and the torment is over, of course for the rest!

Everyone was getting up little by little...

The exam official: Well, those idiots who passed will read their names, they will go inside to continue the exam, and the rest of the losers will go out!

They opened the gates and read the names of those who were accepted in the first stage, and finally my name came and I entered

I was leaving when I heard Lucas was oppressing his servant why they didn't pass the exam like me

He has made me one with them because I worked day and night for the exam.

We were led to the rooms for the second exam

Test the illusion of death!

We were led to the rooms for the second exam

Test the illusion of death!

I entered the exam room and sat on the chair and waited for the illusion!

When the green gas came, it indicated that I would enter a trance!

I was in a trance and this time it was Petulina's sister in underwear! He is on the beach in my arms!

Some children were playing in front of me as if they were my children!

What a repeated wish, even though I really wanted it to continue, but I had to destroy the origin of this Patulina test

When I opened my eyes, the gas was gone and...

....from the point of view of the examiner....

So Tom, what are you doing this time?

Sir, he succeeded in less than three minutes!

How did this boy ask me to take the exam again, when I was afraid that the invigilator would report to the court that I took an exam that was outside of the customs and rules, which would make me go to jail!

I had to say let the body go!

~~~Open the door to the room...

Yes sir!


I jumped from the chair when I saw that they finally opened the door and pointed to the interior hall for an anatomical examination...

I observed a bitter thing and that was that out of those 200 people, only 20 people passed these 2 stages and again this showed the distance between nobles and commoners!

I sat on one of the chairs and saw that Lucas was also accepted

The test papers they brought and distributed...

I looked at the exam paper, what an easy exam

I answered all of them easily and wrote only one question wrongly so that they wouldn't doubt (I remembered my previous world when my classmates who cheated on me wrote several answers wrongly so that the teachers wouldn't doubt)

I gave the paper and saw that Lucas was confused

I grinned and shouted...

Sir, it's over for Lucas to understand!

I came out of the hall and quickly went to the church

.... from the point of view of the examiner....

It wasn't a few minutes after the exam when Tom finished it again.


.... two weeks later....

Two weeks had passed since the entrance exam, Ziyar had gone to church again, and I had returned to painting after being unemployed.

I was painting when there was a sound at the church door, Eva's sister went to open the door

They work with you!

I came back and...

what about me? with me ?

Eva's sister shook her head and told me yes...

I went to the door and saw that there was a postman!

Postman? are you tom breech

Me: Yes, did you have anything?

He suddenly knelt down and took a scroll in his hand and said...

Postman: Congratulations, sir, you passed the elite academy entrance exam, was it in class A, elite class, sir?

what ?

It was me and sister Eva's voice!

Postman: You heard right, sir, you passed the elite class, this petition shows that you passed the test!

He gave me the petition and I reviewed the petition, he was completely right

Eva's sister was shouting that I passed the exam....

Postman: In the meantime, quickly refer to the offices of the academy for the dormitory and the time to go to the academy!

If you have nothing to do with me, shall I go?

I mentioned it, I was still in shock, the elite academy! 6-star elite class A!

May I be accepted, oh God


The church held a big celebration for my passing, and all the people of the third wall were happy because I passed the exam, especially the Breechs, who aspired to lead their army like me. I did not wish to die

All of them wished that their children would be accepted into the elite class in the future like mine

After the big celebration, the people of the church each gave me a gift for accepting, which was the gift of sister Patulina....

It was the coolest...

Sister Patulina: This is my gift to you...

When I opened the gift, I saw a heart-shaped necklace with two halves

Sister Patulina: This two-half heart means that whenever you find your true love, you give half of your heart to him, so that whenever and wherever you lose each other, you can find each other with this half...

It was a very special gift, everything was going well, when Lucas and his brother came, everything went wrong

.... inside Jack's carriage....

Jack: I had an offer for you, if you withdraw from the elite class, I will pay you a lot of money (Lucas was accepted in the four-star class C grade lower than B)

Me: I don't agree that Jack wanted to hit me by reminding me that I am under the protection of the church and if he does anything else....

Fortunately, this case ended well and I was ready to go to the Imperial Elite Academy tomorrow