Part 24 and entering the elite academy 1 (end of the first season)

Part 24 and entering the elite academy 1 (end of the first season)


I'll go now...

Father: Go, God bless you, Tom!

Sister Eva: I also hope you will be successful!

The old man hugged me

Old man: I hope you will be successful and make your father's soul happy and make Brich's name shine everywhere

After I got out of the old man's arms, Patulina's sister gave me the last goodbye!

Sister Patulina: I wish you success, I hope you achieve whatever goal you have

Old man: Leave the package and say goodbye so he won't be late

And finally, after all the goodbyes, tears, and emotions, I came out of the church and got into the carriage that the church had prepared for me.

From the church, I waved to the old man and Patulina's sister who were there and said goodbye to them for the last time.


The carriage started and little by little the old man and Patulina's sister disappeared from my sight...


Finally, we reached the gate between the third wall and the second wall.

From outside, I heard a conversation between the carriage and the guard of the gate that...

Guard: No, I said no, why don't you understand?

What is the carriage: How many times do I have to tell you that this carriage is a church and an important person is inside the carriage!

Guard: It's no use, you have to show an important document to be allowed to leave because there are people who entered the church by forging a carriage and causing trouble!

I was getting bored, so I opened the carriage door and went down...

What kind of stroller, sir?

I gestured to him with my hand and told him to be quiet and I gave the academy identification card to the guard.

The guard took the document and after reading it...

Military respect!

Guard: Forgive me, sir, for not recognizing you, and then he knelt down!

Me: There's no need to apologize, anyway, you're doing your duty, are we allowed to enter now or not?

The guard immediately got up and ordered to open the gate

and motioned for us to enter


I got on the carriage and entered the second wall. This was the first time I saw the second wall. It was very different from the third wall

There was no dirt, no guards to watch out for someone stealing, the sky was blue and the air was not polluted, unlike the third wall

As I was looking at the scenery outside, I was thinking about the recent events...

Finally, after a long time after I was accepted into the elite academy, the church revealed my identity...

It is to inform the citizens of the empire and the believers who follow the Church of the Gods of Light that the child we mentioned was Brich and all his ancestors were also Brich. With the grace and favor of the Gods of Light, he obtained the rare magic of the wind. Now, after three years of support from the church and education, he It has been accepted by the church in the entrance exam of the Imperial Elite Academy in Class A with six stars, which shows the greatness of the Gods of Light and the Goddess of Honesty, that a child whoHe was Breach, his ancestors were Breach, this is how he was accepted in the entrance exam of the academy, which shows the truth of the greatness of the church. The person who was accepted is named Tom Breach, who has lived in the church since childhood and was a follower of the goddess of honesty, and is a firm person in his faith, a subject Zadeh, the nobles and the court wanted to kill him, but with the support of the church, they failed to act against the gods and...

After the church revealed my identity and the aristocracy's intention, my name resonated throughout the empire and caused all the commoners and aristocracy to talk about me, about the church's and aristocracy's intention about me, and about the fact that people said I was a miracle of the Gods of Light, and In front of the nobles and the court, they said that this is a lie and that I am a noble and the result of experiments and cooperation with black magicians who are enemies of the empire...

Whatever it was, I caused the church and the court and the four great families to be against each other again and to take a front against each other and create a big controversy. Even the church threatened the court that if it wants to do something against me again, it will start a war against the court. ..

Because I was the miracle of the gods of light and killing me or harming me will cause the wrath of the gods!

I was thinking the same when I saw that we reached the elite academy!

Kaleske Chi: Sir, we have arrived. Do you have anything else for me, sir?

Me: No, you can't go...

I got off the carriage and looked at the academy!

The place that was in the north side door of the second wall and in a place strongly protected by the church and the court, even a third of the second wall was occupied by this academy!

I took my luggage and entered the church!

I looked at the boys and girls, each of whom was engaged in an activity

One was talking with his friend, another was sitting on the bench and looking at the view, and other people...

Some people looked at me with surprise because they had never seen me before, because I was not in any of the aristocratic parties! And nobody knows me

Without attracting attention or looking at anyone, I went to the dormitory, of course, the S grade elite dormitory!

Just as the classes were graded, the dormitory was also graded, and the people who were in grade A class, which had a population of 30 people, were in the grade S dormitory, which is the largest and most equipped dormitory of the academy!

The grade S dormitory was apart from the two large dormitories in the southern wing of the academy, and the grade S dormitory was located in the eastern wing

A big dormitory where 15 boys and 15 girls lived!

Of course, this dormitory was divided by a door that was very protected and locked, and girls and boys were separated from each other!

I reached the door for dormitory members...

The dormitory had two doors! one of which was protected by many guards and the other was in a secret wall that was used in emergency situations and no one would suspect!

But I used it because I didn't want anyone to see me!

I entered and went straight to my room, room number 15, which was for me!

I entered and after putting my suitcase on the floor, I looked inside the room....

The color of the wall was white, a single bed, a study table, a bookcase, a wardrobe, and of course a mirror!

I sat on the bed, it was really soft!

Thank God, finally after a long time, after 6 years, I got a bed, Akish...

I quickly opened my suitcase and put on the academy uniform!

I looked at myself in the mirror...

Compared to 3 years ago, I had changed a lot, my hair was blacker and the angle of my jaw was sharper, my steps had reached 178 and I had a muscular body at the age of 13!

Of course, this was because of my hard training that I did in these three years under Ziyar's supervision! I think that apart from me, Harry and Dan, no one else has such a body in the classroom!

I looked at the uniform, the shirt was knee-length and the pants were white, the collar of the shirt was black, and of course, the shirt showed 6 stars and the word A, which indicated my class!

Well, let's go to class before it's too late...

I entered the class, which was separate like the others and was at the end of the hall on the first floor, and the rest of the classes were on the other floors!

I looked at the main characters who were sitting there! And I tried to sit down without attracting any attention...

I chose the single table by the window (of course, all the tables are for single people), since I was a child, I liked sitting by the window because it was separate from everyone!

I successfully sat down without attracting attention and looked at the children in the class. I couldn't have watched the characters of the story closely!


First of all, there was the prince, Prince Steve, who was also the crown prince of the empire, a prince with blond hair, blue eyes, and a light wheat skin color, he had an attractive face, and he was talking to his bodyguard, who had been with him since childhood...

Next was the prince's protector, whose name was John, a serf who had a lot of power, a very kind, simple-hearted boy, and of course, very strong, loyal to the prince. How many times did he risk his life to protect the prince!

The next Dan was Dan Hyper, who had a very muscular, rigid body and was very hardworking and competitive with brown hair and brown eyes, who talked with his arm..

The next one was Salif from the family of Kamil Shafagar with his green hair and very seductive appearance

Next was Rose Tarin from the genius family and the daughter of the great scientist Carl Tarin with her famous glasses and her face that had a few freckles that did not diminish her charm.

Next, Hardy Melodia, known as the most beautiful daughter of the empire, who herself was the daughter of the most beautiful woman of the empire, with her long red hair that shows her magic, fire and her family, that is Melodia's family, and a very seductive body and face that unfortunately awaited her a bad death...

Next was Princess Adriana, with long black hair, a face as elegant as Chinese, very white skin and black eyes, and of course, an icy face that never smiled, and she was known as the proudest daughter of the emperor, who also had a bad death...

Damn, the most beautiful girls in the story were in my class.

And then there is William Jordan, one of the most attractive boys in the story and one of the most attractive evil antagonists in the story, who had gray hair and gray eyes and was very shy...

There was no news of Harry, the hero of the story, and of course, Daenerys, but it was no surprise either, because they were flirting with each other as usual


And finally, the teacher came, one of the most attractive women in the story, and of course, one of Harry's lovers, that is...

Marine Arena....

Marin: Well, I am your teacher, the teacher of the magic course, I hope to have a good class with you until the end of the year, and of course, because today they want to do the old tradition as always, I will quickly go to the introduction and absenteeism...

until he wanted to start...

The door opened violently and finally the hero of the story appeared...

Harry: I'm sorry, master, I'm late!

And it was here that Marin was influenced by the attractive face of Harry, the boy with black eyebrows and the most attractive character in the story, and let him...

Marin: It's okay, just don't be late from now on...

And after that Harry and behind him Harry's lover Daenerys entered the class and after that the absenteeism started.

Finally it was my turn...

Marin: Tom Breach?

I got up and announced my attendance...

Me: Tom Birch is here, teacher!

All the classes even had their own teacher. I looked at me with surprise. First, my family was Brich, which means no magic. Next, I was a serf, and third, I was the boy mentioned in my church newspaper.

Marin: Ah, well, the next person


Ding the bell

It indicated the end of the class. I was getting up when I saw a hand facing me

William was...

William: Hi Tom, my name is William Jordan!

I shook my hand: I am Tom Brich!

William: I heard that you are the same boy under the protection of the gods, I am really happy. Anyway, you and I are followers of the church and we will sacrifice our lives for the church, isn't that right?

Me: Why not, you are right

William: Well, I'll go, you can tell me whenever you have something to do

and went


The second bell in the battle area

Joe Hyper: Well, I am the master of your martial arts lessons and your martial skills.

Well, first of all, we will classify the magic, whoever has the magic category, go to that side...

He read the classification of magic, everyone was placed in the same group except me!

Joe Hyper was looking at the sheet and I raised my hand.....

Me: Professor, does wind magic belong to your magic category?

Finally, everyone understands why I am here...

The end of part 24 and the first season

Hello, dear readers who read the story, the author of the story has advanced the story to part 30 in the original version, due to the lack of support in the original story and the translated version, it is possible that the author will stop the story, so do something with your comments, the author will continue the process. Let the story be hopeful