Part 25 Strange tradition (beginning of season 2 part 1)

Part 25 Strange tradition (beginning of season 2 part 1)


Joe Hyper: So you have wind magic?

I ; (sarcastically) yes, master, with your permission, yes...

Joe Hyper: Tom Breech mentioned in the church newspaper that you are good, but now according to the current situation, no one but you has wind magic in this academy, and you are the only one who has wind magic. For now, you will go to the group that has fire magic after that. We will decide about you with the manager.

I went to the people who had the fire group, which was Hardy Melodia's assistant, Chloe Melodia, who was from the lower ranks of Melodia's family.

When I stood next to them...

Chloe: Hi Tom!

Me: Hello

Hardy, who did not show any reaction, of course, was natural because the girl was very proud, and because of her selfishness, she was killed by the person closest to her.

Joe Hyper: Well, about your groups, in the lesson that I will give you, there will be a series of activities such as group battle, research outside the wall, that is, you need a group outside of the safe zone, so... he touched me and

And now I am going to serve your mouth (working a lot in Asia) and make you tired

His conversation was interrupted when Marin came...

Marin: Joe, I wanted to tell you that the director of the academy said that today there is no news of hard training because the kids are not going to show up for the ceremony. Like what happened last year, it will happen again, do you understand?

Joe Hyper with Poorkhand; What if I don't want something like this to happen?

Marin: Nothing, this time you are on the side not with me or the manager but with Mr. James Hyper, the head of your family, now you understand.

(It was obvious that Joe was quite scared)

Joe: Well, yes, I understand, I'm careful, don't worry, it won't be like last year!

Marin: Good and left

Joe Hyper put his hand on his forehead; Look, see how my dignity went in front of these kids, how my honor went in front of them, how do they count me?

My honest reaction: "....." "^^"

Joe: Why are you looking at me like this and laughing?

Me: No, no, nothing, I just made a mistake

Children's reaction: "^^"

Joe's reaction: "..."

Joe Hyper: Don't worry, since your training program is canceled, you will only meditate because of the usual tradition. Only for today, your hard training will start tomorrow.

We sat down on the floor and started meditating

.... the end of the call.....

I was in the hall eating, and after taking the food, which was an apple pie, I sat on the table and wanted to eat, when... Dan came towards me!

Dan: Hello and extended his hand

I also shook hands

Dan: Well, Tom Breech, I finally found out that the child mentioned in the church newspaper three years ago, who was mentioned as a miracle of the Gods of Light, is you.

Me: No please

Dan: Well, both my father and I were very curious about you, but the church did not want to reveal your identity

Me: Well, really good

Dan: Yes, because you yourself know how much the enemies of the church want to attack the church and the illusion that you are now one of the main pillars of the church.

Dan: Well, my father is very curious to see you, and I will definitely take you to my father later, because you are a miracle of the Gods of Light and you are very important to the Hyper family, especially to my father, and now you have the support of the Hyper family in addition to the support of the church. So if you have the slightest problem, you can tell us so that we can do it for you

Me: No thanks, no need!

Dan: And besides, this is the duty of the followers of the church for the miracle of the gods of light, and after that, from now on, you are my main rival. I used to think that my main rival was Harry Fleur, but now I realize that you are the one who You are the attention and favor of the gods and I want the attention of the gods to be more on me, so be aware of our competition

And he left without waiting for my answer, even though Dan had this kind of personality, a very competitive personality, who always tried to compete with Dan and was always second.

God, what can I say?

I was about to eat when Chloe came with Hardy

Chloe: Hello

Me: Hello

Chloe: You know what, I'm so excited to be in a group with you. Do you know about you a lot in the morning that you are the son of God or the reincarnation of Christian Clark (the first and greatest wizard and one of the great saviors of the first war next to Flora)?

You are and I want to know more about you

Shut up

It was hardy

Chloe: What ma'am?

Hardy: I ​​said shut up, do you understand?

Chloe: But, but, my eyes


.... the next call ....

We were sitting in the classroom waiting for the visiting teacher to come!

The children were surprised, but it was normal for me

Ziyar put the books in his hand along with a ball on the table and said

Ziyar: Hello, I am Ziyar. You must have heard my description, but some people not only heard from me, but I taught them.... He looked at me.

Well, I am the teacher of your magic enhancement course and I will do something to make your magic stronger, but....

I want to say that first of all, it depends on how many stars your magic is, which we will find out now

And second, because of your efforts, some people know that... he looked at me again

that if you want to give up soon and don't care about your efforts, I will also care about you, so take care of yourself, come now and put your hands according to the names that I call.

Everyone went and I was the last one

One interesting thing was that the orb would change to the color of its own magic, for example, Harry's bold blue, Hardy's red

I went and put my hand: it became a silver ball and finally...

Ziyar: Well, the five star illusion magic is very good compared to the others, there is one point... He looked at the children.

As you know, the ice magic belonging to the Fleur family is currently the strongest magic in the kingdom, but your magic is even equal to the magic of Harry and Adriana Fleur, who have the six star ice magic.

The honest reaction of me and the children: "..."

Dan: Why is the teacher like this?

Master Ziyar: Because wind magic is a destructive magic, on its own, it is a magic that fire and ice can easily control and increase, now you understand.

Dan: Yes

Ziyar: Well, for now, pay attention to what I am writing on the board.

.... The next call was with Nikolay Markov, who had the magic of controlling objects and had a strange clown-like personality because he was always laughing and joking, of course, tasteless jokes and unknown pedigree.


After the classes, I was going to go to my room when Harry came in front of me

Me: God

Harry: Well, I wanted to say that

Me: Yes, I know I am your main competitor, you will compete with me hard and....

And I left, ignoring Harry's reaction

.... in Tom's dorm room ....

I lay on the bed and thought about what happened

To compete with Harry and Dan to the upcoming trainings in the coming days. God, I took the necklace that Patulina gave me, it was really a beautiful gift that....

Or God himself, I was unfortunate. The tradition is that I have to go to the meeting hall quickly (this speed reminds me of Flora when she was running away from the ninjas and the fight to deliver a very important news was established, in which she had to be in the hall before twelve o'clock. You have to be, otherwise the ninjas won't let them in, it has nothing to do with Flora, but okay)

I wanted to go from the exit towards the boys, who was a ninja and he saw me and came towards me.

I opened the door, which was surprisingly open

And I closed the door tightly until the ninja wanted to come, which caused the ninja to be hit and unconscious

Me: Excuse me and I was about to leave when someone screamed

God, whether I should go or not, I turned my heart to the sea and went to help. I opened the door

I saw the ninja standing with a stick and wondering what to do because Hardy was just a towel

He screamed when he saw me, and I was scared, but then I cast a whirlwind spell that made the ninja unconscious.

Hardy: Go out pervert, go out screaming

Me: It's okay and I came out

Me: Oh God, I saw a girl with a towel for the first time. I never saw my mother's sister with a towel. What about a stranger girl?

I wanted to go to...

Hardy: No, wait, let's go together

Me: What are you doing now?

Hardy: Wait

Me: God!

Finally, he came out and we quickly went out to the hall where some ninjas came after us

To our surprise, Dan Hyper joined us as well as William Jordan and even Harry himself who came from the upper hall with Daenerys.

Me: Harry, why are you late?

Harry: Well I...

Me: You who are a champion should not be late!

Harry: What did you say, who am I?

Me: Nothing, just go!

Dan: With his permission and with his lightning magic, he left quickly. After that, it was William's turn to leave, and then Harry and Daenerys.

Only Hardy and I were left...

Me: With permission

Hardy: What?

I took Hardy's hand and quickly left

Hey, hey, we finally arrived

And when I arrived, I saw that the director of the academy was giving a speech and all the magic students, teachers and the director were looking at us with surprise. In fact, I was Hardy, Dan Harry, Daenerys and William, and all their eyes were on me and Hardy.

I quickly let go of Hardy's hand

Manager: Well, these are the irresponsible children who were late, a decision will be made for them, go and listen for now

We went and sat down


Oh wow, why doesn't it end?

It was hardy

Me: When it's over, it's over

And I laughed

Hardy: The crooked laugh is all your fault

Me: What if I wasn't a pervert, that you would have arrived later and instead of cleaning the entire hall on the first floor, you would have cleaned the entire academy... and Dan and I laughed again.

Hardy was clearly angry because his face was red from anger

Hardy: Shut up you pervert

Me: What did you say, tomato girl.... and laughter

Hardy dropped the broom and came towards me: I will destroy you

Me: Haha, I was afraid to see what you are doing, tomato girl

Hardy: Perverted

William: Stop it, kid

you shut up... me and hardy

William: What did you say?

And the argument between me and Hardy William was until the end of cleaning the hall


End of part 25

Note: The lowest magic star was four stars and the highest was six stars

Harry: 6 ice stars

Adriana: 6 ice stars

Dan: 5 star thunder

William: 5 stars of light

Steve: 5 stars of bravery magic

Hardy: 5 fire stars and Tom 5 wind stars