It's Only Been Two Days

When the police arrived, Keagan already had a bandage around her head. She didn't want to go to the hospital, so the cut on her head was only patched up with staples and a dressing. The lady remained at the scene at their table, watching the two events that drew the police to the place. One was a suspected murder, while another was an assault.

"Keagan." The blonde girl twitched as she heard Wren's voice. The CEO sped toward her and got on one knee to check up on her. "Are you okay? Did she hurt you more than this?"

"…she blamed me for the fire at the building. It started in our unit, so everyone must have thought that we were responsible for it." Keagan would hang her head low, but she was asked not to move her head. She just had a concussion, so she was advised to take it easy. Her heart, however, couldn't do just that.