Someone Will Always Care

Keagan didn't know what was happening, but it looked like a criminal act was being committed in front of her. It was just that it was a child who held the apparatus. Perhaps, she should step in to make the child run away… even if she doubted that ending.

"You should stop… whatever you're doing." Keagan walked into the room, but her hands couldn't grab the child or anything. After all, she didn't know what he was doing. Moving him might cause trouble to the man on the bed.

The child was in a white coat, and his hair was hidden in his hat. His eyes were coldly gazing at the man on the bed while he drained blood from his body. What horrified Keagan was that the child seemingly collected six more bags from the patient.

His small fingers turned a small piece in his apparatus, and the blood stopped dripping into the bag. He then placed the sealed bag inside another transparent bag on the bed. That was the only time he looked up at Keagan. "Why should I?"