What Did She Do that was So Wrong?

Flinch! Keagan couldn't help but pull away from Wren again. Her eyes widened from the action before pouting. "You're doing it again! Don't do things like that. We're not even in a private booth. What if someone saw you do that and got the wrong idea?"

Wren pulled back gently and propped her face on her hand just like earlier. She even had a mischievous smile on her lips. "Oh, what is this wrong idea you're talking about, Keagan?"

"…that you're…" Keagan stared at Wren, at that mischievous look that could be mistaken as bedroom eyes. "That you're flirting…"

She rarely saw Wren act like this playful, but she figured Wren just didn't have anyone to take it out on. After all, she was asked to leave her husband on paper for the company. Lev would even fly around so much as if he were escaping the estate. Thinking about it, she figured she could ask the madam if she really wanted to get nosy.