The Only One She Could Depend On

"Mr. Jenkins has a heavier crime to the master, however. Compared to eating humans, Master Silvano's actions didn't fall into a category that grants a greater punishment than detention." Rhine hummed as she listened to the venomous words of the princess. "Miss Allard, please don't forget that Cherie offered herself on her accord. She didn't deny her actions."

Keagan lowered her head and whispered, "Just because she couldn't deny what happened doesn't mean she wanted it to happen. If I ask her if she has thought about riding that man, will she say how much she looked at him and wished to be ravaged by him? Will she not tell me how he touched her, without consent, in places that brought over the feeling to her body?"

She tightly balled her hands. "That man could poison people with his words. If he forced her to want him, would it not be the same as him forcing himself on her?"