Already Said My Goodbye [R]

The scene was strange, but it was not like commenting on it would reverse time. Moreover, it was no different from what he would get now. 

Elijah just noticed how Petyr drew blood from him. He brought his phone down and scoffed. "You're quite the sloppy nurse, aren't you? Are you sure you should be sticking that needle there? Shouldn't you be doing it from my arm?"

"…oh, you noticed." Petyr chuckled as he finished and capped the syringe. What made it suspicious was that the syringe just went inside Petyr's arm as if he kept a secret compartment in his forearm. "Don't worry. I need to collect it from a muscle instead."

He sat up and let the blanket ride down his bare back. His hands then caressed the same thigh he poked for blood. "I hope my needle won't make you bleed too much."

Petyr said that, but when he spotted a blood bead, he leaned down to lick it.