I Said No

Leon then pushed up his glasses. "Right, we should buy guns later or tomorrow. I can't remember much of what I learned here, but it feels like my hands just itched to have something to keep me safe."

"You're right. We should put the day's training into good use." Keagan wore a smile, but it melted as she watched how the hateful man from earlier walked up to her with a man in a suit. She got off her leaning stance and stood straight, the same as Leon.

The man in a suit wore a strange smile, almost reflective of the hateful man's smug grin. Keagan only needed to look at them once to know what those two were up to. The lawyer spoke, "Greetings, Ms. Allard. I believe you remember my client, Mr. Ford. Please be advised that we will be pressing charges, so call your best lawyer."