Are You Angry?

Not even Keagan realized the reasons fast enough. She was already trying to keep herself from dying when she heard the answers to her questions.

"This is for my dignity! You think you can just get rid of me like that?" The crazed woman screamed as she stabbed Keagan for the third time. "You and Elijah and Silvano! You all have to die! How dare you lock me up like that! You think I can't haunt you? You and Elijah—! I will kill both of you!"

When she was about to stab Keagan's face, someone came to grab her wrist to stop her. She looked up at the man, and the man mercilessly kicked her to the side. Garett grunted from his action, uncaring if the crazed woman was thrown meters away from Keagan. He quickly carried the bleeding missy in his arms and ran off outside the dancehall.

What shocked everyone was that he delivered a strong kick to the door, and the panels broke from the hinges. He ran out and disappeared just as fast.