I Bet She's so Scared Right Now

Nathan then brought her down and held her sitting on a designated seat. He spoke, "You better stay within the bounds of reason if you want to keep your lives. The Orpheus will not hesitate to cut down anyone deemed unnecessary."

The driver finally pulled up his cap and revealed his face to the others. Dacian sharpened his gaze at them. "When Garios told me you still thought of working with us, I knew he had grown mad. You seem to be less principled than I thought."

"Don't get me wrong. Lev wants to mediate and avoid a war none of us can afford." Nathan stroked Keagan's head. "Keagan wants to protect the state of this world, no matter how much it has hurt her. As the princess's betrothed, Lev needs to enforce the rules to ensure that. Just because I'm here to stay with her doesn't mean we won't bolt at any minute. It all depends on what your master does."