
Isabella muttered to herself as she sat on the swing.. which had lost of memories of her father..it was indeed memorable but their happiness didn't last forever...they had to move on without him whether they like it or not.

She sat comfortably by the pond side and start her reading... silently

"What.... I can get pregnant...?"

She has been so engrossed with a book ' Art of seduction and Love...she is on the love page that says that she has to show love through an intimate relationship with a man that she cares so much about...

' Is he really that important to me...?'

' I can't get pregnant...not now ' she panicked in sweats and curiousness.

She searched through the pages to find a solution... til she flip through the back page and saw a note

" A child is a blessing...never try to get rid of them... they are happiness that wealth can't buy. They are born out of love"

"Love.... what stupid book is this... I should have just keep on reading my former stories...this is trash..."

She begin to panic at the word of pregnancy after such a night with her uncle...she walked down the palace and heard some maids gossiping

" Yes...it works like charm"

"If you take it you won't get pregnant so easily..."

"What is it called again...?"

"You annoying fool it's called morning sunshine...there is lots of it at the general's garden."

"That's true... I saw a whole fresh clusters of morning sunshine in his garden. He doesn't even weed them neither does he know it's use"

Isabella smiled graciously to herself for being able to hear such a wonderful gossip at the same time. She even planned on giving them gifts but it would look suspicious.

"I have to face that monkey.... it's alright after all"

She walked down the palace walls unnoticed... and even though she was seen....the general is her uncle....there is nothing bad in going ti see her uncle. It sounded like the perfect plan as she walked carefully into his villa... then to his garden..

But there was one problem...what does morning sunshine looks like....? Is it this...or this?

Her brain was confused...she was clueless and didn't want to pick a random flower...

"What are you doing here...?" A voice interrupted her thoughts

"It's none of your concern to worry about uncle... I came to see your garden.." she pulled herself together with a smile.

Alexander finds it very mysterious for her to be so cold headed after her sudden outburst earlier today..

"Is that so...? Why don't I show you around...?"

"I'll gladly oblige uncle" she beamed with smile again...

He gave her a tour to his private garden and she was able to find what's she's looking for...she doesn't know how to take it but she hatched a plan in that thick head of hers to come back for it.

"Such a nice place... lovely " she commented hoping she didn't act so suspicious in any way to trigger his curiosity..

"Thanks... princess." He accepted her little gesture but his face frowns immediately when he realized what she has been up to with all those stories..

"Read good books...not something that'll corrupt your naive mind... the world is far more different from the fairy tales.. don't be deceived by those heartless writers "

Her face was really red like a red apple... seeing her blush..he didn't withstand his laughter. She felt wronged and dashed out of the house without a word. He shook his head slightly.

"I have to get that flower...at all cost" she determined in her heart...


"Bring me the general..." Something fun is about to come up tonight...the look on her face tells it all.

"You sent for me...?" Straight formality is another tactics he loves using to explain his instant interest.. and whatever she is plotting...he is not interested..

"Let's have tea... and also discuss about Isabella "

Alexander shivers inside... thinking of the worst if his scandal was revealed...poor Isabella would have to bare most of the consequences.

"What about my niece...?" He gently sips the tea and she smiled at him...

"Well...she is strong but she needs someone to stay by her... and that's a husband"

" I feel she's a bit not exposed enough to it yet...it would be better to let her understand what marriage is before putting her in it's grip" he sips his tea more fiercely... what's she doing taking his woman from him....?

'Isabella is mine... I have marked her to be my woman...' he thought as he looked at the queen responsively

" Well... you are indeed right. I'll start the lecture immediately. I'll leave to suitor findings to you. It's what you should do since her father is no more"

" Yes.. I'll take care of it." He replied again clenching to the cup tightly...

"I prepared these for you...you are still recovering from your illness..so you need all your strength back" she signaled the maids.. and they brought in different dishes which was indeed appetizing and glorious to behold.

" I'll take your kind gesture..." They start to eat and he can feel her serious gaze...

"Is there something wrong...?" He had to ask...her stares was obvious and he felt so uncomfortable

"Nothing..." She replied shortly but there is more knowledge behind that ' nothing ' of hers.

After few minutes he started to feel weird... his senses highlighten and his gaze went swiftly to the smiling queen in front of me...she didn't,did she?

"I have to excuse myself...am not feeling well" he stood up immediately...his brain was shut down and one more minutes will make him regret it

"You can stay here...!" She held his hands to stop him.. her touch felt so rough on his skin..

" I respect you...but if you ever do this again I'll make sure I make you pay for it" he warned her in a dangerous tone

Alexander is know for his cruelty on the battle field..his words are dangerous...she left him immediately and allowed him to walk away throbbing with needs and desire.


On the other side... Isabella already made her way to his garden.. she plucked the flower and ate a month full of it...

"Hummm....so sweet! I thought it would be bitter..." But as it went down her throat...she felt a slight urge to throw up...

"Disgusting...its way bitter than expected..." She ran inside his house and gulp down a glass of water...she attempt to leave but she bumped on Alexander... his face was flutter

"Are you alright...do you have a fever...?" She reached to touch his forehead but he grabbed her arm and pinned her down the wall....

"Are you sick in the brain.. let me loose" the more she struggled...the more aroused he felt

He didn't listen....he kissed her forcefully..she had to bite his lips but the taste of blood didn't stop him

He carried her to his room and pinned her hands up not giving her a chance to escape...

"Isabella...am sorry. I can't hold on anymore" he begged and ripped off her clothes...she struggled hard and cried for him to leave her alone...

He went in.....in one go! She screamed loudly..but unfortunately his room is in the inner centurion and no matter the noise no one can here her.

He went on and on till the effects of the herb died down in his body... Isabella already passed out by the time he came to an halt.

He felt bitter for what he had done ' damn that woman ' he cursed in his heart. He had vowed not to do this again even if he had taken her dignity he swear that if she ever get pregnant he would take all responsibility.

If she wasn't here he won't have gone through with this. He picked her up and prepare a hot bath with mints and other herbs to help her gain her strength bit by bit through out the night.

Holding her naked body in his arms makes me go hard again but that's not needed right now.