The fury night was fast.. and he had to find a way to get in her chambers without people seeing him..

It was an early crows morning and people were definitely still asleep..he climbed through the wall to see if she's awake but she isn't...he started to fear if he had done something bad that's causing this problem of not waking up.

He went ahead to see if she's breathing...she is. But why isn't she awake yet...?

" dear! Are you okay?" He tapped her trying to wake her up from her sleep..she didn't wake up and this is beginning to turn bad.

Hours passed... maid passed but she was still in bed..

"Hummm" she slightly woke up and he felt a burden taken away from his soul...

"Are you alright...?" He bent over to her but was taken back by the ear deafening slap she gave him

"Get out... I don't want to see your face..."

Her anger is justified...he really messed up thanks to the queen

"Isabel...let me wasn't my intention..." She landed him another slap....

"Who do you think you are...just one night and you've turned me into your regular slut...get out or I'll tell my mother about this!!!"

He had no other options but to leave through the window which he came.... she laid down on her bed crying..

"What have I done...?"


It was the day of the royal burial and all dressed in black royal robes attend this ceremony..they all looked sad and someone looks more pathetic than the rest

' Isabella ' she cried and cried at her father's grave... begging for forgiveness in her heart. Others shook their head knowing that the king's death really hurts the little princess....but it's all self guilt

' Father please forgive me... I didn't realize so sorry. I was stupid and naive it won't happen again...'

Alexander watched her cried and he felt his heart spilt in two.... and it's because of this hypocrite for a queen. If she hadn't done what she did... Isabella would probably be crying in his arms. He stared at her with killer instinct in his eyes

The queen under his gaze felt completely unstable...she rounded up the ceremony and they all left leaving Isabella at her father's grave

"Please let me explain..." He ran to her but she pushed him away.

"General... please have some respect for my father if you don't have any for me. What ever happened is behind me and it'll never happen again. Good day!" She walked out on him.. leaving him speechless

' Oh so sorry.. please forgive me if I have eaten the wrong fruit...if I had loved her too much that i wished she is just a random girl that I can make my wife... please... forgive me!!' he wept at his grave silently.


Isabella support the idea of getting a husband and she is now busy writing a list of men that can absolutely suit her and her status...

Some marriage doesn't include love... only commitment.. that's what the book she read told her.

" is my list!"

"Humm...that looks nice..they are good looking men with wonderful personality and good home when should we start...?"

"How about now?"

"No... it's such a rush. We just buried your father... let's take it slow okay."

"Alright..." Isabella... Isabella.... Isabella... going too far i see...but whatever is in her head is obviously a way to get rid of Alex im her head and life.

She focused on looking more beautiful and best than she ever could... She begin to learn archery and swordsmanship just to look more befitting for her soon to be chosen husband

"My are doing good at this" a maid comments..

"Yes ..but it would be more nice if the master of warfare could train you..." Another suggested

"It's true.... he's the princess's Uncle if she asks he'll definitely train her" Another said with a smile

She pretend not to listen to them and face her practice....she swings her swords but accidentally cut her hand..

"Ahhh" blood gushed out of her little wound

"Be more careful..." A voice reprimanded... definitely Alexander's

"General...!" The maids bowed to him...

"I believe it's non of your business general... besides don't you have court affairs to attend to "

Still bleeding and having guts...he approached her and grabbed her hands without saying anything...he wrapped it up with his little blanket

"Get me some onintment to stop the bleeding..." J

He lowly instructed...

"I don't need your help general... I'll only disturb your work. I'll take care of it myself " she yanked her hands off wiping her finger tips where he touched...he only watched her bitterly as she walked out on him