Dislike Of Something

Two months have passed since the terror began. Mysterious package senders kept coming to William and Amanda's house. Sometimes the gifts would be very pretty like a dress, shoes or flowers. But sometimes it could be very gruesome like a dead flower, a small coffin containing a Voodoo doll in the shape of Amanda or other threatening phone calls to get Amanda to leave the house, especially to leave William.

Amanda doesn't understand what the sender wants. When they checked the CCTV, the mysterious package sender always wore a black hoodie that covered his head and face. That's what made them unable to see who it was, and when they just knocked on the door and Amanda ran out to see the person, he seemed to have fled very quickly leaving their yard. She wondered if she wore the dress the sender had given her, if he would stop threatening her.

However, when Amanda did, another dress kept coming back again and again with a message.