Anxious Fear

On a sunny morning in Zondalia, William was enjoying his sleep after a long day at work. He fell asleep hugging his beloved fiancée on the soft and cozy bed.

It felt like the perfect day to stay in bed and enjoy the warmth of the woman in his arms. He didn't want to move an inch from where he was. So peaceful and serene.

However, the peace was short-lived when a young boy entered their room and climbed onto the bed and jumped on it.

"Let's get up, Papa! Lucas has painting lessons at school today! Come on Papa, Lucas don't want to be late!"

Instantly William and Amanda woke up because their bed was shaking.

"L-Lucas dear, don't jump on the bed like that," Amanda said catching her son's body.

"Ehehe... Lucas can't wait to go to school, Ma! Lucas want to paint lots of things!"

"Yes, but it's six in the morning and your school starts at eight. Let Papa sleep first." Amanda carried Lucas out of bed and went to the kitchen.