Small Mistake That Bring Disaster

On the same day, Amanda was lying in her bed. Her head felt very hurt from the fever she was experiencing. Since last night she had a fever because she got caught in the rain when she went shopping yesterday.

"39.7 Celsius, your fever is quite high, Amanda. I'm not sure I can leave you to work today," said William as he checked his wife's temperature with a thermometer.

"It's okay, I'll be fine. I just need to rest for a while," Amanda answered assuring William.

She didn't want William not to go to work because of her. Even this morning she didn't have time to make breakfast and packed meal for Lucas. So Kylie baked bread and only brought biscuits and milk boxes for Lucas' lunch to school.

"But you're not doing well." William rubbed Amanda's head worriedly.

Amanda assured that she would be fine. William didn't need to worry about it. She just wanted William to pick Lucas up from school at 1pm.