Lucas's In The Hospital?!

Tania was surprised to see Lucas' allergic reaction because he had unwittingly eaten the shrimp he wasn't supposed to eat.

Worried, considering Lucas was still a child, his homeroom teacher, immediately called an ambulance to take Lucas to the hospital. Moreover, seeing him short of breath made Tania even more afraid.

"Hang in there Lucas!" she said and carried the boy's body running out of the classroom to wait for the ambulance to arrive.

On the other hand, Amanda who was sleeping suddenly woke up because she heard her cell phone ringing. It wasn't an incoming message ringing, but a phone ringing.

Feeling that her head was not as dizzy as before, Amanda slowly sat up to answer the incoming call.

As soon as she looked at her phone screen, it was Ms. Tania.

"What is Ms. Tania calling me about?" asked Amanda who answered the phone immediately. "Hello?"