The Ridiculous Problem

William put the clothes into the suitcase, helping Amanda who was already folding their clothes to take home. It was their last day in Sarcansasco, tonight they would fly straight to Zondalia.

"Okay, that's everything. There are only the clothes for us to go home tonight and the clothes we are wearing right now."

"Yeah, time goes pretty fast," William said as he closed their suitcases.

"That's right, I wish I could stay longer. But we have so much to do in Zondalia too. Lucas needs us. I miss him a lot too," Amanda said.

"And so do I. Tomorrow we can see him. We've also bought some souvenirs to take home."

Amanda nodded and laid down on the bed. Resting before they would go to the airport in 3 hours. William sat on the edge of the bed and lifted Amanda's legs onto his lap.

"Your legs look swollen," he said.

"My whole body seems to be swollen. I look fat because I eat so much."