Delayed Journey Home

Because of the fight that broke out in the homestay and Kenneth even fell unconscious due to a blow from William, they were both taken to the police station to settle the matter there.

"So what's the real problem here?" the police asked.

"This man kidnapped my wife! He hid it and wouldn't admit it! He even hit me!" replied Kenneth as he placed an ice pack on his swollen cheek.

"He hit me earlier too. I don't know who she is anyway. I came here with my wife for a vacation. We're just tourists," William said.

"Right, we're not from Sarcansasco. We certainly don't know anyone here, not even the woman he's referring to," Amanda added by way of explanation.

The policeman asked William and Amanda for their ID cards and passports. Upon inspection, they were indeed Zondalian citizens living in the city of Zondalia.