200 Years Later

The antiseptic smell of the Negative Recon Tower's research chamber filled the air, accompanied by the soft hum of machinery and technology. The room itself was dim, with gentle lights casting a subdued glow on its metallic surfaces. At the center lay the Cryo-Capsule of Capricorn, a veil of frost still clinging to its exterior. A slight noise disrupted the silence.

The Cryo-Capsule's seal began to hiss, steam pouring out, indicating the start of the revival process. As the capsule's front panel slid open, Capricorn's form was slowly revealed, his body stiff from the extended cryostasis.

From the entrance, the figure of Negative Recon, the distinguished Penguinian, strode in, his red suit gleaming under the soft lights, and Record Beary followed him, his towering bear-like presence giving the room an imposing feel. The Tome of Record hung by his side, a precious relic holding the events of the past two centuries.

Negative Recon looked down at the slowly awakening Capricorn, a smirk playing on his lips. "Looks like Sleeping Beauty is finally waking up."

Capricorn's eyes fluttered open, and for a moment, all he saw were the blurry figures of a penguin and a bear. His mind struggled to catch up, disoriented by the passage of time and his sudden awakening.

"Where am I?" Capricorn croaked, his voice hoarse.

Record Beary stepped forward, opening the Tome. As he did, a holographic display projected into the air, recounting the dire events of 200 years prior. The tale of the Phants, their tragic fate, and the destruction of Solestar played out in front of Capricorn's eyes, as though he were watching a heartbreaking movie.

Negative Recon watched Capricorn's reactions with a detached amusement, while Record Beary simply narrated the events in his emotionless tone, "Following the rift's opening and the subsequent disaster on Solestar, the universe was forever altered. Your Council Space Station went offline, and its members went into cryostasis. The Phants, bound by the soul of their race—the heartstone, met a cruel fate."

Tears welled in Capricorn's eyes as he saw the once majestic Solestar crumble, the heartstone shattering, and the last hopes of the Phants fading away. "They... they are all gone?" he whispered.

Record Beary closed the Tome, the holographic display dissipating into thin air. "The heartstone's destruction sealed their fate. Those who tried to escape Solestar died shortly after. Without their heartstone, they had no anchor."

Capricorn tried to sit up, feeling a surge of anger, grief, and helplessness. "Why? Why did this happen? And who are you?"

"I am Negative Recon," the Penguinian replied, his voice dripping with a mix of mischief and menace. "And this is Record Beary, the observer of events. You are in the Negative Recon Tower, and we've been keeping an eye on things while you and your fellow council members have been... chilling."

Capricorn's face contorted with a mix of emotions. "Why am I being revived now?"

Negative Recon shrugged, "It's been 200 years, and we thought it was high time someone from the Council knew what transpired. Plus," he paused, leaning in close to Capricorn, his cold eyes locking onto his, "we might have a use for you."

The weight of the revelations, the passage of time, and the cryptic words of Negative Recon left Capricorn feeling like he was on the edge of a precipice. He had awoken to a universe forever altered, and the path ahead was uncertain.

Record Beary, showing the barest hint of empathy, added, "You will need time to process all this, Capricorn. Rest. When you're ready, we'll discuss what comes next."

Negative Recon, however, was less patient, "Do take your time, Capricorn, but not too long. After all," he said, his sinister grin growing wider, "time waits for no one."

As Capricorn's world continued to reel, he was left with the chilling realization that his journey was far from over, and new challenges awaited him.

Capricorn's subsequent days in the Negative Recon Tower's infirmary were a blur. The sterile environment, filled with beeping machines, subdued lights, and gentle hums, became a constant for him. Every once in a while, doctors—curious beings with their own unique appearances and distinct from any race Capricorn had ever known—would come by, administer various tests, and study the results with meticulous interest. He was an anomaly here, a relic from a time long past.

On the third day, as the orange and purple hues of the artificial daybreak streamed through the window, a familiar figure stepped into the room. Negative Recon, in his crisp red suit and gleaming bowtie, looked as if he hadn't aged a day since their last encounter. He strode in with purpose, his every step echoing his dominance over the domain.

"Feeling better, are we?" he inquired, cocking his head slightly to the side. His voice had that typical blend of amusement and detachment.

Capricorn, though still weak, managed to sit up. He looked at the Penguinian warily, knowing that any visit from him wouldn't be just a courtesy call. "I am, thanks to the care here. What brings you?"

Negative Recon pulled up a chair, its metal legs scraping against the floor. He leaned forward, eyes locked onto Capricorn's. "Well, I thought you might want a little update on your fellow council members."

There was a heavy pause, and Capricorn's heart rate quickened, anticipating news. "Go on."

"We've managed to recover the cryo-pods for the Zodiac Council," began Recon with a nonchalant tone, tapping his fingers rhythmically on the armrest. "However," he paused, his grin widening mischievously, "it seems we're missing a few. To be precise, four."

Capricorn felt his heart drop. "Who?"

"Cancer, Virgo, Libra, and Scorpio," stated Negative Recon, emphasizing each name with a drawn-out syllable.

"But...how? Why?" Capricorn struggled to find the words, the weight of the missing members pressing heavily upon him.

Negative Recon shrugged, the cold indifference evident in his movement. "Things can get misplaced in the vastness of space. It's been 200 years, after all. But fret not. The Tower has its ways, and if they're out there, we'll find them."

Capricorn clenched his fists, a wave of emotions threatening to engulf him. Anger, despair, hope, determination – they all swirled within him. "I need to find them," he declared, his voice filled with resolve.

Recon's eyes twinkled with a mix of amusement and interest. "Of course, you do. But remember, Capricorn," he leaned in closer, his voice dropping to a chilling whisper, "you're in my realm now. Every move you make, every step you take, I'll be watching."

Pulling away, Negative Recon stood up, straightening his suit. "Rest up, Capricorn. You're going to need all the strength you can muster."

And with that, he walked out, leaving Capricorn in contemplative silence, grappling with the scale of the task ahead.

As Capricorn processed the scale of the challenge that lay ahead, the door to the infirmary slid open again. Record Beary's large frame filled the doorway, his imposing presence a stark contrast to the room's sterile environment.

He walked in, the weight of history carried in his steps. His tome, ever-present under his arm, emitted a faint glow, signaling that it had recently been accessed. Setting his emotionless eyes on Capricorn, he spoke, "It's time for me to depart. My work here is done, for now. The Archive awaits."

Capricorn nodded, understanding the Bearian's role as a keeper of history. "Thank you, Record Beary, for everything. You've shown me what happened when I couldn't witness it myself."

Record Beary responded with a slight incline of his head, the closest semblance to a nod. "It's my duty."

There was a moment's pause, both lost in their thoughts, the weight of the situation evident. But something seemed to linger in the air, an unsaid tension.

Negative Recon, ever the opportunist, decided to push the envelope. "Record Beary," he began with a sly grin, "since we're all on the topic of revelations, do you think our dear Capricorn should know... well, you know."

Record Beary paused, and for a fleeting moment, something that resembled a flicker of emotion passed across his usually stoic face. "It's not yet time," he answered, the gravity in his voice unmistakable. "Certain truths must reveal themselves in due course."

Capricorn, picking up on the tension, interjected, "What are you two talking about?"

Negative Recon chuckled, a sound that seemed both amused and dark. "Oh, nothing much. Just a potential tale from the past, a choice made, and the consequences that followed."

Record Beary's gaze shifted to Capricorn, and in his deep, emotionless voice, he added, "You've been through a lot, Capricorn. Some truths might be more burdensome than you can currently bear."

Feeling the weight of their cryptic conversation, Capricorn sighed. "I need to know what's going on. I need every piece of information if I'm to save my Council."

Negative Recon leaned in, his tone teasing, "Let's just say, not all who wander are lost. And not all who defy orders survive the aftermath."

Understanding the veiled hint, Capricorn felt his heart race. "You're speaking of Scorpio?"

Record Beary shifted, adjusting his tome. "In due time, Capricorn. For now, focus on the task at hand. Save the present, and then we can delve into the past."

As Record Beary made his way to the exit, Negative Recon's voice trailed him, "Safe travels, Beary. And remember our deal."

Record Beary paused at the doorway, glancing back. "I always honor my agreements," he replied curtly. With that, he stepped out, leaving Capricorn and Negative Recon in a room thick with tension and unspoken truths.

Capricorn's thoughts were interrupted by Negative Recon's voice, softer this time, almost contemplative. "Prepare yourself, Capricorn. The ruins of SoleStar await. And there, in its desolation, perhaps you'll find the answers you seek."