The Ruins of SoleStar

The air was thick with ash as Capricorn descended onto the devastated surface of Solestar. The once-lush landscapes, bursting with vibrant colors, were now barren wastelands. The towering forests had turned to charred skeletons, their leaves long gone, replaced by the eerie whisper of the wind.

Capricorn's feet crunched on the scorched ground. With every step, memories of the Phants and their gleaming cities weighed heavily on him. He could barely recognize the place. How could such beauty and life be reduced to this grey, lifeless expanse?

The once-majestic capital of Phantara, with its spiraled buildings and shimmering fountains, was now a smoky ruin. Capricorn made his way to its center, where a grand monument once stood. It was here that the Phants would gather during their grand festivals, celebrating their culture, their triumphs, and most importantly, their unity.