Although I thought of staying a few days in my house but it ended up turning into two weeks, and as expected my parents did not even bother to call me and ask me where I was, I am pretty sure that they did not even notice I was gone for so long.

Before my visit to the hospital I had been having this weird symptoms, vomiting every morning, dizziness and the most annoying part of it all was when I crave a food and after cooking it ready to eat I feel like retching at the sight and end up throwing the food away.

I had thought I caught some sexually transmitted disease from the Vincent guy, it is quite possible, with his looks and money who knows how many girls he might have slept with.

This morning I headed to the hospital hoping whatever disease I had contracted is curable but I am met with a shocking news.

I'm only 20 and I'm expected to raise a child, even though I still don't remember clearly what happened that night, why the hell did the dick head not think of using a condom, was he dumb or what?

I walked back home pondering on what step I should take, there was no way I was going back home like this, I am not ready to face Mirabel annoying tricks while I'm pregnant, God knows that the witch is capable enough to hurt my baby.

As for Vincent going to him is definitely not an option as he would probably think of me as a gold-digger, and then sign off a cheque slamming it on my face telling me to get lost with the child in my stomach.

There one way out, I continue to live at the outskirts of town till i give birth.

"Hello dear sister." A familiar voice called out not very far from me snapping me out of my thoughts.

I sighed seeing that Mirabel stood at my doorway with her usual fake plastic smile on her face.

"Hey sister." I said meekly, it was my only way to survive without getting in trouble, I am too lazy to butt heads with this conniving witch anyways.

She suddenly moved close to me very fast as I unconsciously covered my stomach trying to shield my baby from her.

Mirabel pounced on me hugging me tight and I almost vomited on the spot because of her strong perfume that assaulted my nose the moment her hands wrapped around me.

"Sister you had mom and dad worried, ever since the banquet you just disappeared." Mirabel said sniffing tears while I rolled my eyes at her acting, it was obvious that she only came to check if I'm still an obedient dog under her leash, too bad for her though, it seems she doesn't know that even the most obedient dogs have their moments of craziness that causes them to lose control.

"I'm fine I just needed some time alone." I said it was the truth, I had indeed wanted sometime to myself before the pregnancy news came along, but I am definitely not telling Mirabel the second part.

"Sister, I came to ask you some few things, did you somehow anger Vincent Dixon?" Mirabel asked with fear written all over her face making me wonder what could make her like that, or was it just another acting she is doing.

"No, why?" I asked, how could I anger such a man when I am not seeking for death.

"Few days ago he came to the mansion looking angry and he thrashed a few things demanding for you." Mirabel quivered like she just remembered something horrible making me furrow my brows, would the great Vincent really go that far for a woman? It was completely irrational.

As if sighting the disbelief on my face, Mirabel shook me back forth making me a bit dizzy, "I'm serious sister, it's only a matter of time before he finds you here." She said with panic written all over face.

"Okay okay fine." I conceited defeat pushing her hands off my shoulders as massaged my forehead trying to ease the dizzy spell.

"What should I do now? Vincent literally owns the country so hiding from him would be a bit difficult." I inquired deciding to go along with her acting and see where it leads me.

"Why don't you go out of the country?" Mirabel suggested which got me thinking, if it is indeed true that Vincent was after me this is going to be the best way to evade him.

"Okay sure." I nodded my head agreeing with the idea, "But sister it seems you don't understand the gravity of the situation, if Vincent manages to find you-" Mirabel ranted for while before realizing what I had said.

"For real!!" She exclaimed looking even more excited than me which made me squint my eyes at her trying to figure out what she was up too.

"I'm just worried about Vincent hurting you but I'm so glad that you have decided to leave the country. " Mirabel hurriedly explained probably afraid that I had caught onto something.

"Okay I would go pack my bags and get ready to go now." I said walking off into the house, shutting the door completely before Mirabel got the chance to come inside.


As Ariel went into the house, Mirabel released a sinister smirk on her face, her plan is going accordingly, this time around she is not going to give Ariel the chance to escape.

Vincent had been in their house alright, but not as Mirabel had portrayed it to be, he went there for another different reason.