It has been 5 five years since I left country M, and I've got to say, it's the best decision I have ever made, and as for the baby I decided to keep him of course.

"Mother you're late again." My cute little bundle of joy complained pouting angrily.

"Mommy is sorry, I got a little bit caught up in my work." I explained bending down to ruffle his hair.

"You're lying." He did not hesitate to reveal my lies, who was I kidding, he knew me better than anyone else.

"Fine, I slept off but I'm here now okay." I squeezed my lips feeling bullied by my own son, could he not just pretend that he did not know about it.

"Sighs, I forgive you don't worry." He pat my head gently like he was comforting me, sometimes I wonder who is indeed the eldest between us both as he always treated me like some child that needs to be taken care off and only acts cute when he wants something from me.

I dropped him at the back seat buckling his seatbelt then headed to the front settling down at the driver's seat, ready to go.

During the drive home, I noticed Jason is unusually quiet, not that he is a chatter box on a normal day, but his face looked worried and sad at the same time.

I won't deny that Jason is just a print out of Vincent, they looked exactly alike that sometimes I get jealous, I was the one who carried the freaking child for nine months and he doesn't get one single thing from me and decides to get everything from his father, well except his eyes, he got my deep ocean blue eye.

Though this fact also worried me slightly, I did not beat myself up about it since there was almost no way I would go back to that country again.

"Jason, do you want to tell mommy what's wrong?" I asked peeking at him through the mirror, Jason just sighed before turning to look at me probably contemplating whether or not he should talk.

"Our school asked us to come with our dad's tomorrow for a father child sport program." He explained and I could vaguely guess what his solemness is all about, actually it is quite obvious.

"You want to know something about your dad right?" I asked an obvious question.

"If you don't want to, no need to talk." I would have used this to evade it but hearing the expectancy in his voice when he said that broke my heart.

I love Jason with all my heart, but I would not deny that I have not been a very good mother to him and with the space of his father empty in his life, it must have been hard on the little guy.

I clenched my hands on the steering wheels before deciding, "You see your father is-" Before I could continue I was cut off by my ringing phone.

I looked at the road then at my phone stretching out my hands to pick the phone but before I could take a hold of it, the phone had been hijacked by Jason.

I looked back at him sharply before turning to the road again, "What is that for?" I scolded unable to comprehend why he would do such a thing.

"No phone calls when you are driving, it is dangerous." He scolded in a serious tone and I sighed, I knew there is no winning an argument with the little guy, it would be a fruitless effort.

Jason is a special kind of kid with a very high IQ of 186, he picks things up easily and was able to speak fluently at the age of two, sometimes it baffles me, well his father is a genius and as they say, an apple does not fall far from the tree, so there is no need to stress my brain on thinking where he got that from.

"Hello, this is Ms. Ariel's phone, it's her son speaking." I heard Jason answer the phone in such a mature voice making my heart melt, the little guy already guessed the call is important and answered it not wanting to disturb my driving, how considerate of him.

"Hey Jason, how you doing?" A familiar voice resonated in the closed car space, it was Leo, my close friend for the past five years, we also worked in the organisation together and he is truly kind to Jason and also helped me take care of him when I was out on missions.

"Hey Leo." Jason greeted, dropping his formal attitude, "It's Uncle Leo to you." I corrected him but he kept mute not replying me causing me to release a sigh, the boy could be stubborn if he wanted to.

"Ariel you are needed at the organisation and don't scold the boy he is just a kid." Leo addressed me directly probably after hearing my voice.

After Leo delivered the message, Jason switched off the phone speaker and he and Leo started chatting, leaving me to ponder why I was needed at the organisation.

"Jason I'm sorry but I have to drop you aunt Lisa's place." I explained to him after the call was disconnected and he nodded in response, Aunt Lisa is a nanny I hired to take care of him when both Leo and I are busy, and she is quite helpful over the years.

To be honest I am glad that Leo called, at least I was able to escape the daddy's discussion for now.

After dropping Jason off, I headed straight to the organisation and went to the director's office, outside it looked like a bakery where normal day to day baking of bread happens but on the inside it is actually a den for assassins.

"You called for me." I announced after I was given the permission to enter inside the spacious office as it was barely decorated, it only had a desk, a chair and a shelf where all recordings of missions were kept.

The director nodded at me and pushed his glasses upwards, he might look like a weak old man but he was the strongest amongst us all, within four years I have been able to work myself up to be the top 1 assassin in the organisation all because of his gruel training while Leo is at number 2, in the organisation I go by the name, 'Blue Ivy'.

I read through the file that was tossed at me with my eyes widening larger and larger at each sentence I read, "You want me to kill Vincent Dixon!!" I yelled unable to control myself, why did it have to be that man of all the people that were targeted on the earth.