"No need for the hospital just give me my pills." Mason struggled to say snatching the bottle from Vincent's hands and taking two of the medicine there and after a while he calmed down.

"Turn the car around." Mason ordered coldly and the driver looked at Vincent confused through the open window in the partition and Vincent nodded.

"Grandpa!!" A cute little voice called out jumping on Mason immediately they got into the house.

"Who's your grandpa!?" Mason yelled angrily as he coughed slightly pushing the girl away from him, although he said that, his actions did not really show it, he pushed her away but he was very careful in doing so, in order not to hurt her.

Vincent saw this and sighed wondering when his father would fully accept his daughter, "You greeted your grandfather first and forgot me." Vincent hurriedly said trying to salvage the situation, "How can I forget my daddy, daddy is the best in the whole world." The girl said raising up her hands indicating that Vincent should carry her up and he did.

Her pigtails bounced as she giggled holding his cheeks and kissing him on both cheeks repeatedly, "Daddy deserves all my love." She said beaming.

"Okay Anna, that's enough." A woman's voice sounded making both Vincent and Mason's face deem low with a tension fulling the air, the duo did not seem to like the woman before them.

"I'll be in my room." Mason immediately excused himself, Vincent knew it was the best decision to avoid an argument.

"I heard from Anna that dad would be home today so I decided to pay a visit." The woman in a sweet voice that sounded annoying in the ear to anyone around the vicinity.

"I'm not your father, you haven't even married my son yet, so don't get that into your head, you can also be dumped." Mason said harshly pausing his footsteps turning to look at her with a glare.

The woman bent her head biting her lips looking like she is about to cry, "Dad-" Vincent called out to his father, not because he was supporting the woman but because he is worried about his daughter hearing those words, Mason just humphed and walked off.

"It's alright Vincent no need to fight your father for me, what he said his right anyways." The lady sniffled cleaning the tears that run down her eyes.

"Don't be a baby Mirabel, and next time don't come to the house unannounced." Vincent said coldly not bothering to console the damsel in distress at all as he walked away with his daughter whom was playing with his buttons amusingly not paying attention to the adult conversation.

As Vincent walked away, Mirabel gritted her teeth together in fury, her so called daughter did not even bother vouching for her, she immediately left the mansion angrily feeling frustrated at the way she was treated.

After that day their still have been no improvement in their relationship, he only cared about Anna and nothing else.


The director arranged for me to audition for a role, since I had an acting history it wasn't difficult for me, my thoughts ceased when our car passed by a huge billboard displaying Mirabel's picture, it seems she finally made it big as she wanted, it has always been Mirabel's dream to be a top actress anyways.

"Mommy do you have a family?" Jason asked causing my back to stiffen, why that question from nowhere all of a sudden.

"Why you asking that?" I asked Jason, I really don't regard those people as my family anymore, they caused me nothing but trauma's and pain, I didn't even want to remember the memories I had with them as they were all bad.

"That lady on the billboard looked a lot like you." Jason pointed out, turns out he had seen the billboard too, but what he said made me turn back, he was right, Mirabel and I did look a lot alike.

Yes we were sisters, but we were never sisters that looked like each other and now she looks like me all of a sudden, what the hell is she thinking?!

You might be wondering how I was able to recognize her even after she changed and did not recognize her changes at first, but the thing is that fellow tortured me for years that it had been etched and looked up in the deepest part of my heart, and I was not ready to let them out.

"You know what, forget about it mom, there are a lot of doppel gangers in this world." Jason pointed out which made me feel relieved at least there was no need to explain again.

He probably read through my expression and figured I was not comfortable talking about it, soon enough Jason talked about another thing probably to draw my attention away from Mirabel and I smiled at how attentive my son is.

I am sure that in future a lot of ladies would be tripping for him, especially if he had money he would be complete, a handsome guy that's attentive and rich, which girl would want to resist that.

Thinking about it I laughed out loud and that's when the driver pulled up, we had arrived at our hotel, as I removed our luggages from the booth of the car I dragged them inside the lobby while Jason being the gentleman he is held my handbag.

I stood rooted in shock when I saw someone surprisingly familiar standing in the lobby with a man's hand wrapped around her waist, it was Mirabel, what the hell was she doing in my hotel?!

Shit this is bad, I cursed inside then my thinking part of my brain then reminded me that I was with a different face and identity and she would definitely not recognise me, but how was I so sure of her, I recognised her even though she changed so much, what if she can recognise me too.

"Is anything wrong?" Jason asked following my gaze and landing on Mirabel, I was too distracted not to notice the bloodlust that flashed his eyes when he saw her.

"Mommy, we have to check in remember?" He reminded me causing me to snap out of it, it's true by the time I'm done, Mirabel should probably be gone by then.