Ariel successfully filled the jug and went back to the ward to see Jason staring at her expectantly.

"Sorry I was late baby." Ariel said, she had finally gotten a hold of herself, it's not like Jason is going to know anything anyways, even though he had a high IQ, her dear boy was as dumb as a rock when it comes to other people feelings.

Sometimes, he used his IQ to cover up but it still shows up, but she couldn't deny that she loved him regardless.

After supporting Jason up to drink his water and laying him back down, the doctor finally came in and ran a check on Jason.

"He is doing okay, apart from his head injury, the boy did not get any other serious damage, the stitches will be removed after a week, as for discharge probably in two days time." The doctor briefed, ignoring the cracking sound he heard when he mentioned head injury, not noticing the dent on the iron chair.