CHAPTER FIFTY SIX: Acting strange

"Mom, do you love Vincent?" Jason asked out of the blue almost causing Ariel to trip and fall.

"What do you mean by that?" Ariel questioned back confused why Jason will ask such, as she adjusted her bag and Jason, why would she fall in love with a man that she has been sent to kill, even if he's indeed her ideal type, snap out of it Ariel! She cautioned herself immediately the thought dropped.

"Oh okay." Jason muttered, he could have sworn his mother behaves differently around Vincent, normally she is cold aloof woman that hardly gets close to any man, well maybe except Leo but even though she was with Leo, she was never as free as she looked with Vincent and according to his research, when one is in love with another, they feel free and comfortable with them bringing out a side that others hardly see.

With jealousy brewing within him, Jason admitted to the fact he hasn't seen his mother act that way before, at least not in front of him.