Ariel sat on one of the chairs arranged by the assistants assigned to her by Vincent as she read the script in her hands, judiciously.

She arrived on set not too long and settled down observing everywhere, in as much as the urge to act in this series was strong, she knew that after Vincent's death, there would be no one to sponsor it anymore.

Ariel smirked looking at her script as she thought of her plan, on her way here, she had called the director to book a hotel close to filming site where Jason can stay, so after dropping him off at the hotel, she headed here, and since it isn't time yet, the place looked a bit scanty apart from few staffs moving about.

She surveyed the place for a while and figured that there is a chair that has been reserved specifically for Vincent, the perks of being a rich person that has made her work a bit more easier than it was.

When no one was watching, Ariel inserted needles into the sit, two was enough for the job.