"You don't look hurt, why are you so pale?" Vincent asked worriedly, he had woken up after a while to see they were surrounded by trash only, apparently the garbage truck had come to dump all his load.

Vincent was surprised when he saw his gun shot wound on his hand bandaged and as for the burnt at his back, it hardly even ached.

He looked at his side to see that Ariel wasn't by his side, after digging through the trash for about 30 minutes, he finally found her laying down unconscious underneath the pile.

Vince gently pulled Ariel out of the pile in order not to hurt her or re open his wound too, when he finally pulled her to the surface, Vincent noticed her pale face which made him worry.

He was sure she didn't get hurt, apart from wound made from the graze of bullet she got earlier.

"Ariel." Vincent called her softly shaking her with her shoulders but no response making him worry more, "Ariel!" He yelled shaking even more but still no response.