CHAPTER EIGHT-FIVE: Work? At the hospital?

Benjamin who has just finished an eight hour long surgery immediately collapsed on his bed in his office planning to sleep a bit before going home.

He hasn't heard from Vincent these past few days, well let's say he was glad and disappointed at the same time.

He is glad because that guy somehow finds a new way to stress him out or get on his nerves.

Disappointed because maybe his buddy forgot him, it is a complex feeling.

Benjamin sighed, as he opened his eyes staring at the white ceiling in his office with memories he tried so much to put at the back of his mind rushing in.

He missed, he missed her badly he wished he could reverse time and go back to the past just so he can be with her.

Benjamin had an aloof personality from childhood till youth, he became like this after her death, it is supposed to be vice versa but his own way of getting over it is pretending to be happy.