104: Court Hearing V

"And what gives you the reason to barge into my court room like that." The judge questioned sternly while Mirabel bit her lips in worry of what Vincent had in stock for her, she had a feeling things won't end up the way she wants it to.

"Your honour, you already passed the judgement right? He can't just walk in here and start saying bullshit, what if he's just trying to waste your time." Mirabel stated hoping to make the judge see the other sides of things.

"Miss Mirabel, you don't tell me what to do in my own court room." The judge stated with his fingers in front of him giving Mirabel a sharp look that made her shut up.

"I hope whatever thing you have to say is of relevance because the court has already come to it's conclusion and it might be difficult to change that." The judge explained to Vincent pointing his pen at him.