105: Court Hearing Finale I

"It was grandpa." Anna stated without hesitation when she saw that Ariel was reluctant to respond.

"Really?" Vincent said in a cold voice looking up at his father, "My own son doesn't even trust me, I'm not that petty to hit a woman." Mason sneered which caused Vincent to raise his brows with surprise.

"Your father?" Vincent turned to Ariel and asked her, she sighed in response, "Vincent there is no need to act up now, father already did the needful." Ariel stated, she just wanted this case to be over soon so she could celebrate the children birthday in peace, that's all.

"Hmm." Vincent hummed in response, but he was definitely not letting this go, how dare he hit her! Father or not, the only marks that should be on her body are the one's he makes if they have sex.

"Let's go buy some snacks." Mason called out the kids noticing that Ariel and Vincent wanted to speak to each other.