140:Elites of the organisation II

Meanwhile Ariel on the other hand hissed after receiving another blow on where she had been earlier injured.

Her hands dangled with the sleeve of that arm having a slash of wound where blood pooled out from it.

From the corner of her mouth down to her chin was a trail of blood as she glared at the person who had land the hit, her handkerchief had long come off during the fight.

Currently it was only 4 men left, and a very stubborn woman, the sword user in the organization second to Kitanna only.

"Give up now Ivy and come with use peacefully, it will be a shame to kill such a talented assassin as yourself." One of the men spoke while Ariel rolled her eyes.

"You don't want to kill me? Fine join me, if I survive this tonight i will take over the organization, and you can trust me when i say, I'll survive this." She replied, coolly wiping the blood of her mouth as she stood up straight.