141: Healing

"Oh please, the people you're working for killed your brother." She waved dismissively walking towards Archer and pulling her sword right out his head.

"And you think he wouldn't be alive if you hadn't had the stupid idea of leaving the organisation, something I see you want to pick up again, I'll kill you to avenge my brother, i swear it." Seria managed to talk through gritted teeth as her eyes contained unshed tears while Kitanna's back remained unturned at her for a while.

"Fine then, I'll give you three chances to hit me, but after that I fight back." Kitanna stated squeezing the hilt of her sword as she remembered her dying husband face that fateful day on the rooftop, all he said to her is that he wanted her to be happy making her put on this fake mask where she seems jolly and chill.

She missed him so much.