142: Operation make the boss forget that heartless woman

Two Months later

She didn't know how long she has been asleep, but it felt like forever, Ariel groaned as she stood up from the machine, the gas that was to wake her up has been released and immediately the machine opened up itself.

Adjusting her eyes to the light, she carefully stood to her feet holding the edge of the machine as support, her legs wobbled as she tried to work, no sign of an injury or a scar there despite being shot by an arrow.

Slowly, after walking round the room for a bit, Ariel finally got the hang of it, laying down for so long probably affected her legs, as it will take a bit of time for them to get used to functioning again.

Sighing, Ariel proceeded to the restroom, she had left Kitanna all by herself there, she just hoped she was okay and safe.

Maybe she needed to stay here a few more days to be sure she is no longer under the watchful eyes of the Organisation.