160: He will definitely pay for this

"Kids do you mind going over to the play ground a bit, mummy and daddy wants to have a talk with your teacher." Ariel cooed at Jason and Anna to leave, some bad words are about to be said and it's not ideal for children to hear things of such.

"Okay mama." Jason sighed taking note of the teacher's face, as he grabbed his sister's hands and they headed to the playground.

"You shouldn't talk next time, leave me to handle such people." Jason scolded Anna as he examined her face carefully his frown deepening when he noticed the finger marks were still evident on her face.

"I'm not so weak that I need you to protect me 24/7." She laughed pushing his hands away from her face.

"Do you want to have an attack again? Just stay the sweet loving child you are." Jason clicked his tongue feeling fed up, he would do anything in the world to prevent his sister from falling sick again but soon, his frown disappeared when he noticed the tears trailing down Anna's face.