Chapter 1

( TW : This book has some topics that some people might find triggering, if you relate to any of these problems please seek professional help, or if you are under age talk to a trusted adult. your mental health matters 💝)

( Maria☼) 

Once I was sitting alone in the car, it was the start of winter, I was ordering at my usual coffee shop. I suddenly heard noises coming out from my car trunk. After some time I decided to check, I was scared at first but I decided to be brave. As I opened the car trunk my eyes glowed bright as I saw a five-year-old boy who was shaking from shock and scared as a little puppy. The little boy looked at me and said: "H-h-hello miss…please want mama and papa"…. 

I got to his level and said: "Hey sweetheart what's your name, I'm Maria…do you know where your parents are"…

He said: "I'm..I'm autumn…. A …a…. I don't know where are mamma and papa….someone….took me away….. it was cold and scary"….

After I heard this I was shocked at how they could do that to someone this small and innocent. I tried to get more information from Autumn but he was too scared and tired. I decided to take the little boy home with me. I opened the door and welcomed the scared boy into my car in the back seats. I told him: "Hey Autumn I'll take you to my house and take care of you for this night okay sweetheart? ". He nodded. I tried to small talk with him but he was too scared and pretty uncomfortable. I knew just his name and that he was lost. When I was driving on the highway I noticed that his clothes were really dirty and toned. I asked him gently: "Autumn do you know who did this to you, me and you are friends now okay autumn?". He nodded and looked down at his feet and he looked pretty sad and scared. 

When we arrived home his eyes were lighting up a little and he seemed more comfortable. "Autumn.." I said in a polite voice. He looked at me and still didn't say anything. "Autumn, you will stay with me for some more days. Is that okay with you sweetheart?" I said that as I got down to his level and then I let out a little smile trying to hide my own worry. I was just 17 after all. I recently moved to my own apartment. I didn't have another choice. I call my boyfriend Lucas. He answered fast like always, he was shocked after hearing about the situation. 

He said at the other end of the phone: "I'm coming as fast as I can, just don't do anything to him!". I was shocked because I was never mean to anyone , I thought to myself what should I do to get Autumn's trust?

I remembered having my brother's old clothes, told Autumn in a calm voice trying not to freak him out more than he already is. "Hey, Autumn are you cold sweetie"…he nodded as smiled at me for the first time. His smile was lighting me as a sun, I felt warm in my heart after seeing him smiling.

After a while, Autumn changed his clothes to my older brother's clothes. They were too big for him but he looked adorable even though he was drowning in the long-sleeved hoodie. He spoke after being quiet the whole ride and never telling me how he felt or what happened. Sometimes my mind was raised with ideas and other times I was happy he was safe with me. He said in a quiet voice "t-t-thank you f-for t-the clothes". I was happy and relieved he finally spoke, I said trying to make it sound like it was not a big deal. "You are so welcome Autumn, you are safe now okay"… I said, trying to comfort him. 

A few minutes later Lucas finally came, he kneeled to autumn level and said in a calm voice I never heard. "Hi little dude… you are Autumn right!? I'm Lucas". Autumn looked at Lucas and gave him a heartwarming look, Autumn never gave me this look even that it was me who saved him.
