Chapter 2

( Lucas★)

I felt my heart drop when Maria called me and told me about the situation, what happened to me can't happen to anyone else…

I rushed to my car and drove as fast as I could. On the highway there was a car rush, I got so stressed and I felt my blood boiling. I started shouting: "Come on!" I don't know what was scaring me the most, was it that I was worried about Maria or was I worried about the little boy … probably it was both…no kid should go through what happened to me…

When I arrived I felt my heart sink to my stomach, the little boy reminded me a lot of myself…. I kneeled to his level and tried my best to comfort him. He was shaking and still scared. He gave me a heartwarming smile and I felt my heart filled with his trust…I was sure he felt safe with me when I looked at Maria she stood there completely shocked. I thought to myself that she felt a lot of responsibility on her shoulders. I gave Autumn a high five and then stood up again, I said to Maria with a whispering voice: "Maria do you want me to take Autumn with me…or do you want to take care of him?". I don't know why Maria got angry but I have known her for so long and she never was that tense in her life. Maria said in an angry voice: "Don't you think I'm responsible enough!? I can take care of him myself!". I said to Maria in a serious voice: "Maria are you okay sweetie!? .. you look really...angry… Did I do something wrong or are you stressed by the situation?"…. Maria responded with an angry voice: "No, I'm okay! I'm fine! "…. I didn't understand why she was acting like that. I felt it was best for all of us if I stayed home with them, especially after how I felt that Autumn was comfortable around me and how stressed Maria was. 

After a while after all this whisper Autumn got suspicious, he asked us in a confused voice: "Miss? Mister!? What are you talking about!?"… Autumn surprised us with his cute suspect questions. Both I and Maria giggled at him, I said in a kind voice: "Nothing Autumn but would you like me to stay with you and Maria tonight?". Autumn nodded happily, I was happy too, I felt like we were like a little family…it's been a long time since I felt a family warmth….

Autumn and I started talking and playing pillow fights with each other. Autumn looked so happy …I was really happy as well… Maria was quiet most of the time. I was sure something was off with her.

After a while, I asked Autumn: "Hey Autumn would you like to take a bath because it's getting late and I think you should sleep soon, buddy?" Autumn said: "okay Mr Luca, I'll take a shower and sleep but…" I asked Autumn: "But what little dude?". He said: "but I don't have clothes to wear after….and you did so much for me already"…I felt like Autumn was the cutest little boy ever after what he said, I saw Maria's face melt from Autumn'innocentness as well. I decided to go buy him new clothes from the store beside Maria's apartment. I said with a happy tone: "Okay then! Let's make a deal, you will go and take a shower and Maria will make you some dinner and I'll get you some clothes, okay? Deal?" Autumn nodded and said: "yes! Deal! Thank you".

When Autumn got in the shower I finally had a chance to ask Maria what was wrong with her, I said in a serious voice: "Maria, Autumn isn't here now. What's wrong, why are you so dry and angry? You are not usually like that…tell me what's wrong… I care about you and if Autumn is bothering you I could take him"….

I don't know why but her attitude changed as she crossed her arms, I felt like she had a lot she wanted to say….

She looked me dead in the eyes and said: "Stop acting like Mr perfect and like you are the hero who would protect Autumn from the monster who is me because I'm not heartless and I won't hurt him. So stop the hero acting, and no you won't take him with you because I found him, you just came here because I asked you for it. But I don't need you anymore so you can go after you get the clothes for Autumn. It's pretty late anyway and I'm a girl soooo… you won't let me go there alone right?"

I was a little shocked by what Maria said … I know that she felt safe with me but at the same time I felt like she was using me… I decided to forgive her because she was my girlfriend after all. I said: "Hey I'm not trying to act like his saver or anything I just don't want anything bad to happen to him…I had experienced a really bad childhood…. I don't want him to go through what I got through"…..

She looked at me with a disgusted look on her face and said: "Well don't talk about childhood problems because I don't think your childhood is worse than mine !".. 

 Maria and I always had small arguments like this, I knew everything about her past but she never asked me about mine …

I grabbed my phone and keys and gave her a light kiss on the head trying to not let her know how much her words hurt me…I said in a kind voice: " You right my love….um..I'll buy Autumn clothes and then give them to you, then I think I should head back home"….

After this, I went outside the house and right then Autumn went outside the shower…
