Chapter 3

 ( Maria☼ ) 

After Lucas left Autumn got out of the shower and said: "where is Mr Lucas ?". I said in a kind voice trying not to show how annoyed I was by Lucas who acted as a hero even though he knew how much I suffered in the past …I'm sure he didn't suffer as much as me … I said to Autumn: "he would be back soon, he would just buy you clothes and then go home". After I told Autumn I saw his eyes getting teary. He said in a very different tone: "I- I was a bad boy so he left right?"….. I was shocked… I said trying to comfort him: " hey no sweetheart he didn't think you were a bad boy, he is coming back I promise". Right then Lucas got back with a school backpack with a Spiderman photo on it, he said with a bright smile: "hi guys! Look what I got you Autumn!". He took out some toys and clothes from the bag and said: " Here are some clothes and look what I got you! ". He then got out 5 toy cars with different colours. Autumn's eyes started lighting up like stars on a night… Autumn didn't stop saying thank you, Mr Lucas. Every time I heard him say it to Lucas I was hurt…because..this was not the first time I felt underappreciated...

I saw Lucas's face with the most beautiful smile I saw in him...he was never this happy with me…I smiled at both of them and thought to myself: 'why can't I be like Lucas …a perfect and loved person'. I got to the kitchen and cooked dinner for both of them, I was too shy to tell Lucas to go home especially after I saw how happy they were together and how strong their bonding was. 

I yelled from the kitchen: "Guys food is ready!" . Right after I yelled Autumn rushed to the kitchen holding Lucas's hands… I felt left out back then…. I remembered every time that my parents were holding my little sister's hands and left me behind…. I looked at the floor and then Autumn all of a sudden hugged me, I felt kinda special then…he said in a happier tone than he did before: "Thanks for the food, miss Maria! ". I felt my heart melt and I started petting his soft long messy hair… he smiled at me with a very similar smile to Luca's…

We all sat at the table and started eating, right when Autumn sat on a chair he realised that he was too short to sit in the chair. He went down the chair and got to Lucas' side of the table and then looked up at him and said: " Up, please! ". Lucas picked him up and let Autumn sit on his lap. Lucas started feeding Autumn. I felt sad because Autumn didn't have the same connection with me…But at the same time, I was happy for Autumn because he felt safe even though I didn't know what he went through…

After I finished eating Autumn still had some food on his plate, Lucas had food on his plate as well. Lucas was still feeding Autumn as I said: " Oh you haven't eaten enough today, aren't you hungry or are you just not in the mood to eat?".

Lucas looked at the floor and said in an anxious tone: "ummm… just…. Not feeling like eating".

I didn't give much attention to his response, I was expecting it. Lucas told me that he had been struggling with eating and food since he was a child but I didn't give much attention to it. I was pretty sure he didn't want to talk about it, so I just stayed quiet to not bother him. Lucas looked at me after taking a deep breath and said: "I'll go home. And then he took down Autumn from his lap after finished his food and said: bye little guy, I'll come and visit you tomorrow and we will play with the cars together. Now be a good boy and be respectful to Maria, okay? Bye, little dude". 

After that, Lucas rubbed Autumn's head and Autumn smiled at him. Lucas got closer to me and said: "Tomorrow you will go to school and I'll stay with Autumn. I know you have trouble studying at home, so just go and study there and don't worry about Autumn.. have a good night love". After that, he took a deep breath and smiled differently than he usually does. He waved at me as he kneeled to Autumn's level and said: "hey by the way, you can call me Lucas or whatever you want we are friends now okay?". He got up again as Autumn gave Lucas another warm smile. Right then Lucas gave me another little smile before heading outside.

Right then I felt really happy but at the same time stressed, I told Autumn: "Hey is it bedtime now?". I smiled at him. He smiled back but in a really shy way, and said: " Yes Miss Maria". He rubbed his eyes and asked me: " Is Lucas your brother?", I was a little confused because of the question but I never thought about Lucas as my boyfriend, he was mostly like a friend even though he cared for me and I thought he is handsome. After a while of thinking I answered Autumn: " Well… he is like a friend". 

Autumn smiled and giggled and said: "good! Because Lucas is much much kinder! He should have the best friends and family!"

I got a little hurt by what Autumn said, did he think I wasn't good enough for Lucas ?. I thought to myself that he was a child and that he was just being childish. I said: "Yes Lucas is an amazing guy….um let's go to bed now okay?". Autumn nodded and rubbed his eyes with his tiny hand, the poor child was really tired after what he had been through…

I put him in bed, and he was wearing his new clean pyjamas Lucas gave to him. I gave Autumn a light kiss on his cheek as he was laying down on the guest bedroom. It was actually Lucas' room because he was my only visitor but …I had changed.. and maybe he won't be the only visitor anymore…I got out of the room and said to Autumn: "good night sweetheart I'll see you tomorrow morning for breakfast and if you need anything at the night you can just let me know". Right then Autumn pointed at the cars on the table beside the bed….he said in a shy tone: "t-t- car, please"….. I gave him the car and gave him another kiss on the cheek. I closed the door, leaving a small light in the room to comfort Autumn in his new house…..this was just the first night…..
