Chapter 15

( Lucas ★ ) 

The winter got heavier and heavier, the snow was already covering the nature... it was beautiful but under the snow, there is always something more... it could be beautiful or plain... But the snow covers both the beauty and the plain. But the plain is still under the snow and they will show himself when the snow melts...

After the study day, Sally slept over. I slept in the living room as Sally slept in my bedroom. I checked on her every now and then. She slept peacefully through the whole night, every time I checked on her I gave her a light kiss on her forehead. Every time I saw her my heart felt peaceful... maybe this girl was meant for me... maybe she wouldn't hurt me but I still can't trust her... but it doesn't mean that my heart was getting stolen by her beauty.... This time the love felt different... it felt like sharing a piece of cake ... it's good and both of us enjoyed it together... with Maria, I got the smaller pieces of the cake.. and she enjoyed it by herself...

At 7:30 I woke up and grabbed my suitcase as I started changing my clothes. As I took off my shirt, Sally walked into the living room. I only had my pants on, Sally blushed and got back to my room as I giggled. Before I got to the mental hospital, I started going to the gym and my six-pace started to show off. When I was done changing I decided to check on Sally because I was sure she got uncomfortable. I knocked on my bedroom door and let out a little sigh. " Hey Sally, I'm sorry about that" I let out a little cough as she opened the door. " it's okay... I just forgot about you sleeping here" she said with a smile, her cheeks turning pink. I gave her a fast head pat, As she looked adorable in her pink fluffy hoodie. 

We walked together towards the kitchen as we helped each other cook breakfast. We baked pancakes with whipped cream on top. We sat facing each other on the table as we started eating. " You know... I'm kinda scared because of the presentation and of Maria's reaction..." Sally said as she took a bite of her food. " Well, what is the worst thing that could happen?.." I said with a smile. " Nothing?..." Sally said with a confused voice. I nodded " Exactly nothing bad can happen, and I'm with you now so you're not alone and I'll make sure nothing bad could happen to us... nothing bad can happen to you especially, my angel... " I said with a smile. Sally smiled as she blushed and nodded. Both of us ate our breakfast peacefully enjoying each other's company.

I didn't feel like eating, so I only took a few bites, I still had the same anxious feeling whenever I ate...Sally noticed this and asked, "Aren't you going to eat?" I smiled, then replied, "No, I'm not really hungry." Sally grabbed my fork and held it close to my mouth. "Open your mouth," she said, I giggled as I took a bite of the food.

Me and Sally had a little chat until I ate my food. I was surprised because this was the first time that I had eaten a whole plate in a while. But I was happy and proud of myself that I did it. 

When we were done eating we helped each other clean the table before heading to the school. I was excited to go to school because everything felt finally peaceful or that was what I thought... 

After we fully got ready we walked to my car so we could start our way to school. I opened the passenger car door for Sally as I walked to the driver seat after. 

As we entered the school, I noticed Maria and Alex together. Maria was snapping her fingers, something I knew meant she was either stressed or anxious. Alex pulled Maria closer, but she didn't look thrilled. At that moment, Sally ran up to hug me from behind. "I'm anxious" she murmured, then clung closer to me. I pulled her closer to my chest as I asked, "Why, little bunny?" She took a deep sigh as she said: "We're going to speak in front of the entire class and I'm afraid... What if it goes badly". " It's going to be fine I promise, and if it doesn't turn out good it's okay because we are together in this," I said as I kissed her head. "What is the time?" Sally asked. I looked at the phone and realized that it was already 8:05 which meant we were 5 minutes late.

We walked into the class and sat down on our seats. " Why are you two late?" The teacher asked. " We are sorry miss but we forgot about the time," I said with a smile. The teacher rolled her eyes at me as she told Sally to stand up and start her presentation with Maria, before Maria could stand I stood up beside Sally as we started our presentation. I had a smile on my face the whole presentation, Maria was angry and annoyed. I was happy because that was exactly what I wanted her to feel. I wanted her to feel angry and jealous. I wanted to see the anger in her eyes so I could enjoy every single bit of it. On the other hand, Sally took the whole show, everyone was amazed by how confident she was. I didn't talk as much as Sally did because I was the shy type of person.

When the presentation was done everyone clapped at us, me and Sally sat back in our seats. The teacher started asking Maria why she didn't do the presentation with Sally. Maria didn't have a clear answer for that, I smirked at Maria as she gave me a dead look. The rest of the lesson was peaceful. 

After the lesson, The teacher waited for everyone to get out of the classroom to talk to me. I stood up and grabbed my backpack from the floor. The teacher said in a serious tone: " May I talk to you Lucas? ", " Sure " I said. The teacher told me that my grades were dropping because I wasn't at school because of everything that happened. I tried to explain to her that I was too tired to go to school but she wouldn't listen. She kept yelling at me until her next lesson was going to start. I nodded and walked outside the classroom. I was truly angry because I was a top student and now I have a high chance to fail... but I'm not a failure... I can't be a failure. 

I took a deep breath and started walking in the whole way, right then I saw Alex walking into the boy's bathroom. I waited for him outside, after he was done I pushed him back to the bathroom and locked the door. " What are you planning to do with Maria!? " I yelled. " Well, she is not yours anymore so I can do whatever I want with her and you have nothing to say about it," he said with a smirk on his face. My fist clenched as I smashed my hand against the wall above his shoulders. He smiled at me " You think you can scare me, huh?" Right, then he shaved me, and my back hit the door. I came back with full force as I slapped his face " Get your hands and your dirty money from Maria! Maybe She Isn't mine but She Was mine And I Still Care About Her!" I shouted. " My money can buy you and Maria and do whatever you want because, at the end of the day, she is not yours anymore, got it?" he said calmly with a smirk. I slapped him again as I said: "Maybe your money can buy you a girlfriend or whatever you want but money can't buy you a personality, But you will need one you know?". " I left the personality for you, softy," he said as he laughed. I had enough of this man, I slapped him one last time before walking off to the boy's bathroom to my next lesson, leaving Alex with a bloody nose from my last slap. 

My next lesson was maths, at maths class me and Sally always sat next to each other. We passed each other notes back and forth. We talked about different things, our dreams, our past, things we like, and so on. Something I will never forget is when Sally told me that her dream was to become a model but she didn't think she was pretty enough. In my next note, I wrote to her " Sometimes just thinking about a dream means you are ready for it". After that, she wrote " Maybe ", the teacher started to get suspicious of us so we started to turn our attention back to class.

After class I didn't see Sally, I looked everywhere but it's like she disappeared. I sent her a few texts but she didn't respond. I was afraid something happened to her. Right then I heard a familiar voice crying, I followed the voice and it led to Sally who was historically crying in the library. She was sitting on the ground as she was crying with her head on her knees. I kneeled down to her as I asked "Hey... what happened... why are you crying, little bunny?!", she pulled me closer to a hug as she tried to catch her breath. " I- I - I was just sitting here in the li-library but then..." she took a sniff as she rubbed her eyes, they were red from crying. I started rubbing her back. " Talk when you are ready... just relax little bunny..." I said as my fingers slipped through her hair. She took a deep breath and sighed softly. " I was sitting in the library studying, then Alex appeared behind me and kissed ....on my cheek... I said I was uncomfortable... and that he was acting weird... but he didn't listen.... H-he was going to rub my thigh... But then..." she paused. " He did what now ?!" I yelled, Sally was still trembling in my arms, and when I screamed she trembled even more. " I'm sorry little bunny... I shouldn't scream at you ... I just got shocked..." I held Sally's hand to comfort her. " your cold..." I said softly as I kissed her hand and rubbed my thumb against her hand softly. She sniffed as she laid her head against my shoulder. " before he could do anything I stood up.. and tried to run away... but he tried to pin me into the wall but then ... a teacher saw what happened and told him to move... and he walked off angrily.." she said with a shaky voice. " That's a lot to go through, you know?... but you are safe with me... I promise you from now on I won't leave you alone... and for that bastard, he will get what he did to you back soon or later, And if he ever hurt you again you will tell me right away so I can be honored to beat his ass!" She giggled as I took a deep sigh. 

After I sat down to comfort Sally I asked her teacher to give her a pass to go home, I dropped her at her house as I drove to my place. Felix ran in front of the door right when I opened it. I dropped my suitcase as I petted him for a few minutes. I picked up my suitcase again and tidied my things back in my room. Then I got in the shower, the water felt pretty warm and relaxing. I started thinking about how much I loved Sally and that I wanted her to be mine, but I couldn't just tell her how I was too basic. I needed to do something special for this special girl, something that she wouldn't forget. Then I remembered the note that she wrote about how much she wanted to be a model, why not make it true? I thought. Right then I decided to make it happen soon, Sally didn't deserve what happened today and she deserved to be happy... she deserves to be loved and cared about endlessly... She deserved to have her dreams come true.

After I got out of the shower, I changed my clothes to comfortable home clothes. I sat on my bed and started searching for a model section with a good price. I wasn't a person with high financial status and wouldn't waste what I have if it wasn't important and if it made Sally happy it's really important to me. Right when I searched for a model section I saw an interesting profile for a fashion designer in France, his profile name was 'andr_leonar_04'. Interesting, I thought. Then I sent my first text :

[ chat room ]

 lucas_alvarez_05: Hi, I'm Lucas and I would like to schedule a modal section for an important girl to me. Her dream is to be a model. And I would like to know the details please 

andr_leonar_04: Hello there, I'm André. I'm only a fashion designer but I think I can help, I have many friends who work with models and fashion. 

lucas_alvarez_05: Sure! Thx for your help. I'm 19 and you? 

andr_leonar_04: I'm 20, so who is this girl who's 'special '?

lucas_alvarez_05: lol, you're pretty nosy aren't ya? Well to stop the curiosity of yours, she is my best friend but I want to ask her out... like to be her boyfriend, you know? 

andr_leonar_04: I think I have the best idea for you then, btw What do you like to do? Like in your life, do you draw or listen to music?

lucas_alvarez_05: uh...can I be honest?...

andr_leonar_04: sure, I won't judge 

lucas_alvarez_05: Well .. something weird inside of me is making me trust you so I will... I had a rough childhood.. my mom was sick with cancer and I had to work.. my boss was abusive .. and then I ran away and a nice lady took care of me...and then I got a girlfriend and her name was Maria.. she was pretty manipulative .. I found out she cheated on me so we broke up, I went into depression and because of Maria, I got into a mental hospital even though I didn't need it... but Sally was with me through all this and now Maria and her reset boyfriend are trying to ruin our lives more just for fun. So that's why I didn't have time to think about what I like and don't like.

andr_leonar_04: DAMN! That's a lot! I don't understand why people are mean, well Sally seems like a lovely girl, hope she is as beautiful as her personality.

lucas_alvarez_05: well she is but only I am the only one allowed to say that she is beautiful, I get jealous you know lol. 

andr_leonar_04: fair enough, well because you opened up I'll open up my relationship with my mom isn't really good... well I'm old enough to live alone with my sister now, it's better this way because... my mom wasn't the greatest and my dad wasn't in the picture... so she left me to raise my sister until one day I snapped and ran away with my sister because I was sick from the life I had... but of course, she reported us missing and we had to run from the police a lot of times until I became 18

lucas_alvarez_05: omg! That's really hard to go through.. you're truly strong you know. And wait, you have a sister? How old is she now 

andr_leonar_04: thx, well yes I have a sister her name is Leá, and she is 15. Where are you from? I'm from France, if you want to do the section you have to come here, and if you would like I can plan a long and fun day and at the end of it you will tell Sally what you feel, deal? Btw my sister is really good with makeup and she will probably do Sally's makeup. She didn't study makeup or anything but she has what you call a natural talent.

lucas_alvarez_05: I live in America, but deal :) I'm an only child but Sally on the other hand had a brother but he sadly passed away, so when we meet try to not have the 'siblings act' because I don't want Sally to get hurt on a day like that, Thx a lot tho :)

andr_leonar_04: Sure don't worry I gotch, you bro :) and I'm sure my sister and Sally will be best friends. And I'll send you a date plan ASAP, see ya!

lucas_alvarez_05: bye!

[ end of chat]

After this chat I felt a weird feeling mixed between anxiety and peace... right then I remembered André's question about what I like, I thought back and remembered that I had a guitar, I got it out from under the bed and tried to start playing. I forgot how fun it was to play guitar and make music. I decided to start playing again to find peace in music...
