
Talon chuckled darkly as he gazed out the window of the carriage, watching as the houses of the capital passed by in a blur. 

"Are you saying that my haunting is getting out of control?" Asked Talon, his gaze still fixated on the passing landscape. 

On his shoulder, Moonless tilted her head while gazing with one eye at Talon, thanks to their bond, she felt every emotion Talon felt.

"Yes, but you don't have to worry too much, Damian has heard of it too, and he is still relatively fin." Stated Paul, trying to help Talon calm down, instead, he only worsened his worries.

"Damian is haunted too?!" Talon almost screamed in shock, causing both the carriage driver and Moonless to jump in surprise. 

"He is, but he has been for almost twenty years now, and we still don't see any problems with him, if anything, he has been growing stronger." Said Paul, his words finally managed to calm down Talon.