Fading Scars

Talon woke up from the church on the other side.

Instead of the temple shrouded in white fog, he was back to the training ground, his master, Huntsman Lance looked at him, his face showing deep worry.

"Did you fail to break through?" Asked John, his face still showing deep worry towards his pupil.

"Why do you think so? I did manage to break through." Stated Talon, feeling proud of his achievement, meanwhile his mind was deep in thought.

'What did he mean by that? This is getting too much again…' 

"How did you manage to break through this soon? You just started." Said John, his face was full of bewilderment, same as his tone.

"What?!" Talon was beyond shocked, he was within the church of the Otherside, his stay felt almost like half an hour.

Talon was slowly getting up from the ground and began to dust himself off, but a sudden feeling of nausea hit him out of nowhere, making him stagger back to the ground.