The Hands of Death

As the blade was deeply etched into the ground, the green glow only seemed to turn more intense as it seeped into the ground.

Coloring it with a green light that began to radiate every bit of the ground, some parts shining in a brighter light than others.

These parts were the ones to erupt first.

The eruptions were destructive, splitting the ground just so that spikes of green crystals could rise from the ground.

These spikes were sharp, sharper than most blades with almost unbreakable crystallized edges.

These spikes managed to pierce almost twenty of the hunters.

Some of them were even pierced multiple times, elevating their bodies to the air, their blood slowly dripping down the ground.

Not even those were spared who were standing atop the run-down rooftops as the spikes rose high in the air, aiming directly for them.