Number Six

As the two of them went even further into the temple, the fog only got thicker.

Not even Talon who had a gift related to the very same thing could see through this fog.

As they walked deeper, it wasn't long until they saw another figure that was shrouded by the fog just like Number Four was.

"It's good to finally meet you, killer." 

Said the figure before them, it was none other than Number Six.

Talon instantly turned cautious around Number Six, if he was as hostile as Number Eighth, Talon did not want to anger him needlessly.

'I don't need another Number Eight…'

"I will be going."

Said Number Four as his body began to vanish into the fog.

"I will be waiting for you at the library in the temple, Number Six will lead you there."

Said Number Four as his body vanished into nothing, leaving him and Number Six alone.