Number Nine

Talon felt the presence of the three figures behind him as they placed their hands on his back.

He felt chroma rushing into him, such a great amount that he felt that he was starting to overflow and break from the amount.

More and more strength brought him nothing but pain, but all he felt was rage as he saw Paul's body evaporate into ashes, he couldn't even say anything to them while all of them could do nothing but stare at him.

He felt the chroma take a certain color in him, something that almost broke him apart just from its presence in him.

It began to form a yellowish color, but this began to swirl even more as it began to darken.

Forming a Violet color inside him.

'Painful, so painful." Talon could barely control himself as he felt his previously teary eyes bleed, he cried tears of blood while his skin tried to harden, but the chroma almost seemed to seep out of his skin.