Formidable Opponent

Talon's whole body was oozing black smoke from it, it was so corrosive that it dissolved the very snowflakes falling from the sky, marring trees, and everything else in its wake.

Nothing was safe from Talon's third and strongest Veil, its black fog spreading at a rapid pace.

Quinn saw the fog spreading quickly, making a wide smile appear on his lips. 

"Crazy bastard…" Muttered Quinn as he began to blink away rapidly, he needed to get as much distance between him and Talon as he could.

"What the hell is this fog?" The Edoranian Soldier was shocked as he saw the black fog destroy everything.

The fog spear at such a speed that it reached the soldier In no time, burning his skin, and making him scream out in pain.

"No! I'm not going down just because of some weak Rondorian bastard!" Shouted the Edoranian gifted soldier in anger, unleashing strong wind currents around himself.