What! Ann said surprised. Please come home quickly Angel said crying. Ok, am coming Ann said laughing as she end the call. Is that your sister. Mrs Samantha asked. Yes ma'am Ann said. She is really lovely Emily said smiling. I can't even wait to meet her Amelia said. She will be glad to meet you too Ann said. Ma'am, am ready to leave Ann added. Okay, go and meet her before she cried her eye out Mrs Samantha said as she leave. Bye, Ann said as she leaves the mansion. When she get home, she meet Angel at one side crying. Hey baby girl Ann said laughing. Hey, why did you come home late Angel said as she hugged her sister. Am sorry, am so busy that's why Ann said. Am so hungry Angel said as she held her stomach. What, can't you I just come back from work, Ann said. Am sorry, but I can't cook tonight Angel said as she turn on the television. You are so silly Ann said as she entered the kitchen. The next morning, Ann got ready for work while Angel get out from the bathroom. Are you not going to work Ann asked. No, am coming with you Angel said. Wait! Have your boss sacked you, Ann asked. No, I just feel like knowing your place of work Angel said as she get dressed. They both board the car and leave for work, when they reach the mansion Ann knocked the gate. Good morning James,Ann said. Good James said as he stop, two Ann he added. Hi, am name is Angel, angel said. Hi pretty James said. Hi Ann said as they entered the mansion. Hi Emily, Ann said as Emily drop her jaw. Hi everyone Angel! You are so identical Emily said. You are pretty Amelia said smiling. Are you a celebrity she added. Thanks for your comments, am so happy to meet you guys Angel said. What are you doing Mrs Samantha said as she drop her jaw, is this your twin sister Mrs Samantha asked. Yes ma'am,Ann said. Hello Grandma,my name is Angel she said. You are truly an angel said Mrs Samantha. Nice to meet you angel said as her phone Ring. Excuse me she said. Hello Sharon,watt sup Angel said. The boss just ask of you Sharon said. Really, tell him that am coming Angel said as she ends the call. Am sorry ma'am,I will take my leave now Angel said. Okay, no problem they all said. Listen young law, you must not come home late and buy some spicy chicken on your way back home.Angel said. Okay, ma'am, I understand Ann said as they all laughs. Bye they all hugged her as she leaves. I wish I could have a twin sister like Angel said Emily said as Ann goes to the backyard. What are you busy doing Jason yelled. We are sorry sir, they all bow. Where is the new maid Jason asked. She is in the backyard Mrs Samantha said. Whatever, I won't come home tonight Jason said as he leave the house. I hate that Caroline, she turned our kind and handsome Jason into an hot tempered guy Amelia said as she returned to her work. Ann was busy staring at the garden when her phone rang. Hi Ann, Sandra said over the phone. Hi Ann said.why didn't you GI work, I visited yesterday but didn't see you,Sandra said. I was sacked Ann said. What Sandra said smiling. Yes, but I got a new job Ann said. Really Sandra said sadly. Yes I will can you back okay Ann said as she end the call. Why did things always how's her way Sandra yelled.Ann end the call and went inside to do her chores. After doing cleaning the rooms she passed the eight room. Why is inside this room that people are banned from going inside, Ann said to herself. I must take a look she thought as she opened the door. Why is it too dark she said as she switch on the light. The room was design with Caroline's picture and Jason. Why is this man look so familiar Ann said.suddenly, she hear a voice at the door. What are you doing inside here Jason yelled as Ann look back. You, what are you doing in here Jason asked angrily. Am sorry, am the new maid Ann said frightened. As Jason was pulling her, Ann fainted. Hey, get up Jason said as he Carried her to the hospital. Angel dialed ann number but could not reach her, she dial it again and Jason picked the call. Ann,I always tell you not to put your phone in silent Angel said. Hi, Jason speaking, Jason said over the phone. Ann is in the hospital he added. What, which hospital Angel asked shivering. St memorial hospital Jason said and end the call.some minutes later, Angel reach the hospital which cause many people murmuring. Is she not the one that was taken inside few minutes ago, one nurse said. Ma'am, angel said. Hi, are you not the one hospitalized, the nurse asked. No, it's my twin sister Angel said crying. Ward 4 please the nurse said as Angel ran to the ward. As she reach the ward, she meet her sister laying on the bed unconscious. Ann, wake up Angel said as Jason was looking at her in surprise. He look both Ann and Angel and ask. Are you the one speaking over the phone few minutes ago, Jason said. Yes, am her twin sister Angel said crying. Twins, which of you is the one Jason said to himself. I don't understand, Angel said as the doctor came in. Doctor, how is my sister doing, Angel asked shivering. How is she doing Jason asked the doctor. Congratulations Mr Jason, your wife is pregnant, the doctor said.who is pregnant Ann asked.