Who is pregnant, Ann asked weakly. You are pregnant, the doctor said as he leaves the ward. Am finished, what am I going to tell mike,Ann said crying. Jason was watching the scene, I think I have a problem with my ear. She is pregnant, which means she is carrying my baby Jason thought. What are we going to do now, Ann said facing Jason. I will have to abort this pregnancy she added. Are you crazy, angel said. You are going to kill an innocent child Angel said crying. You are trying to kill our baby Jason yelled as Angel was shocked. Our baby Angel said as she stare at the two of them. He is the owner of the pregnancy, Ann said. My boss she added as angel laughs. Are you kidding me, the CEO of ainsoft animination Angel said. Yeah, am the owner Jason said looking worried. What are you going to do now angel said facing them. I will think of what to do, Jason said. Let me go and settled the bills he said as he leave the ward.Ann was discharged the following day and Jason collect her number. I will call you to let you know Jason said as he drop Ann and her sister at their destination. Ann are you sure he is the owner of the pregnancy, Angel asked. Yes, he is the one I slept with that night, Ann said. You have hit a jackpot Angel said screaming. How, I don't understand, Ann asked. Your husband is s multi billionaire, the richest man in Italy Angel said. How can you call him my husband Ann said. He is already because he is the father of your unborn child, Angel said. You don't even know what he will say next, you are calling him my husband. Remember, I have mike Ann said. You still have not forgot that guy, the guy that does not even ask about your wellbeing for the two weeks,Angel said. You know he is still angry, let give him some time Ann said. Sandra promised me she will help me talk to him Ann said sadly. And did you hear anything from her, she even distance herself from you Angel said as she goes in. Some weeks later, Jason called Ann. Hello, Jason said. Hi, please who am I speaking with, Ann asked. It's me Jason, he said. Oh, good evening, Ann said. Can we meet, I have to discussed something with you Jason said. Ok, no problem Ann said. Someone will come and pick you up Jason said as he end the call. Who is that? Angel asked. It's Jason Ann replied. What did he said, Angel asked. He said, he want us to meet Ann said. Really, he is asking you for a date angel said happily. No, how can you say that Ann asked. Whatever, quickly go and get dressed Angel said as she pushed her inside the bathroom. It took some minutes to get Ann dressed. Wow, you are so pretty Angel said. Must I wear this Ann said as she was pulling her short dress down. Don't stressed yourself, it's can't get longer than that Angel said smiling.

After some minutes, there some a sound of car outside so Ann go and check through the curtain. He's here Ann said anxiously. Really, Angel said as she also peep through the curtain. I wish you good luck, Angel said as she pulled her outside. Are you going to be fine, don't worry, I will be fine Angel said. Are you sure Ann said. If I can't cope anymore, i will call Sharon to sleep over Angel said. Bye, Ann said as she hugged her. Bye, Angel said as she disengage from the hug. Bye, Ann said as she entered the car and it drove off. The car drop Ann in a big mansion, bigger than where she work. Suddenly, a maid approach her. Good day ma'am, are you Miss Ann. Yes Ann answered. This way please, the maid said as Ann followed her. Ann meet a lot of people partying inside as Jason see her, he walk up to her. Hi Jason said. Hello Ann said shyly. Come this way as Jason put his hand around her waist. When the music turned off, Jason walk up to the stage and introduced his fiancée. Good evening everyone, am Jason ( the CEO of ainsoft animination company) I want to tell introduced my fiancée to you all, Jason said. She is among you guys Jason said as Misha was happy. Finally, I later win his heart, misha said smiling. Am here to announced miss Ann Williams as my wife to be, Jason said as Misha was shocked. Jason kneel in front of Ann and bring out a diamond ring.will you marry me, Jason said as everyone was clapping happily except misha, and Jason's uncle. Yes, Ann said as he put the ring on her finger. Everybody clap and make a toast. Congratulations Jason, everyone greeted him. Jason take Ann to misha to introduced her. Ann, meet my childhood friend Misha, Jason said. Hi Ann said smiling. Hi Misha said frowning her face. I have to go now Jason Misha said. Why, I want you to keep ann in company Jason said. Am sorry, am not feeling well Misha lied. Okay, should I asked James to drive you home Jason asked. No, i will drive myself, misha said as she was about to leave. Bye Misha, Ann said. Bye Misha said as she look her with a dangerous eye and left. Are you okay, Jason asked. Am good, but am not feeling too well, Ann said. Should I drive you home, Jason asked. No,I just need a rest Ann said as Jason carried Ann in a bridal style. Put me down Ann said. No,as Jason carried Ann to a room. This our room Jason said. Our room Ann yelled. Yes, Jason said.