The Foxes are not dead!

Xavier POV

My brows arched in surprise as Noah called out the Fox Leader's name. 

"Do you know him?" I asked, turning to him as he came to stand beside me. 

"Yeah, everyone knows Kai." He gave me a side glance before turning to face Kai. "What are you doing here?"

"They killed my daughter and son here," Kai said lazily, as he sought my gaze again. "I've come to reclaim their bodies." 

"We cannot do that," I said calmly. "As a punishment for the damage your daughter and son caused to the pack, we'll bury them here." So, we cannot give you their bodies,". 

Kai chuckled as he crossed his legs, fixing his gaze on me. "I didn't come here to spend half the whole day talking about whether you want to release the bodies. I am telling you to give me the bodies of my children so I can bury them in peace,". 

"Don't cross the line, Kai," Noah warned, stepping in front of me. "Are you trying to threaten an Alpha?"